epilouge pt.1 <7 years later>

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He got off the bed, carefull not to wake Tom, and went down. He also decided that he could help his Mom<Remus> in the kitchen.Then as he entered the kitchen he saw a very unique site .

Remus was in an Apron, sitting on the counter Sirius was eating his face off. So Hadrian Did the only appropriate thing he could think of-

"ahem" he coughed."uh there are children in this house to stare at Dad"

"YoU aRe StIlL A ChIlD"was all he got in return. he looked in the kitchen and saw his coffee was already ready. "Thanks Mom"he said taking a sip of his beverage.

"oh theres no need to say thanks, Hades !"

Hadrian Sirius Black~PurrWhere stories live. Discover now