epilouge pt.2

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a little girl with luscious brown locks and emerald green eyes looked into the eyes of her motherwith a pout."mommy i wanna go to hogwarts too!"came the baby little voice of Lily luna  black

then an obviously weasley voice replied"lils you have 7 years! enjoy your baby time"

"oh my little princess,  i can take you there to visit mommy, rose and  hugo lots of times!"said hadrian

"ok! but... only if you pwomise me another baby sibwing in the nest twee earssssss!!!"

"fine! but tell daddy to be good!"tom replied as he was pushed onto the appiration spot by his daughter.

"ge meee shum nice chocolateand you! roro and huggy woggy have to get me some of dos books you gee fwom hoggywartssssss ooooooookkiiieee doookiee?"

and tom just did one thing~


Hadrian Sirius Black~PurrDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora