Chapter Three

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I had to figure out how to find him.

I was just walking out of the area I lived in, going nowhere in particular.

I'd searched for him on the internet a few days ago, just out of curiousity.

I went back through the history on my phone and opened up the page.

I couldn't know for sure if the site was legit, but it was the best I could find.

It took a lot of poking around to find actually, so he'd better be worth it.

I'd had to type in who I was and why I wanted information on the Doctor. I put because I needed his help. And that someone he knows and cares for is in danger.

It was some random underground site thing, I wasn't really sure, and it was created by some Harriet someone, but she seems to have the most relevant information on the Doctor than anything else. It's being run by some other group called Torchwood now. Said something about Harriet being 'decomissioned'.

It didn't have anything on getting in touch with the Doctor directly, but after looking again I found something.

The site said the TARDIS, the Doctor's time machine, is a police phone box, and if a distress signal was sent at a certain frequency, from the right source, the TARDIS would land there directly.

That could work.

The only thing is I didn't think my phone could hit a frequency that'll reach a blue box across the entire universe. Not to mention across time.

So that meant I'll need some help.

From people who knew the Doctor.

I was just dwelling on how I would manage that when I heard a bus coming up the road behind me.

I wasn't going anywhere specific, but hey, why not keep warm?

I crossed the road quickly, and stuck my hand out to stop the bus. I stepped on and I was fumbling around in my pocket for my card. The driver shut the doors behind me, but thankfully he didn't drive off until I'd flashed my pass.

I moved to go and sit down when he said "A bit late to be out isn't it?"

He was smiling at me, our eyes meeting in the bus' rearview mirror.

He was probably in his late twenties, just a typical, normal guy. Someone you'd pass by in the street and wouldn't think twice about.

"Yeah it is, but I have a few things I need to do." I said, smiling back politely.

He just nodded as if he understood, but he totally did not.

There was no one else on the bus, so I sat in the back of the bus, in a corner, so I could see the roads we were driving through. I curled my feet up under me in an attempt to keep warm.

I got on my phone again, and noticed my background picture. It was of me, Liam and Ceallach, my other best friend, sitting in the garden at the barbeque, fighting over the ketchup bottle. That summer's day was the best I'd ever had.

I didn't realise I'd been smiling slightly, but I caught myself, remembering what had happened with Liam not even an hour ago.

With that in mind, I immediately changed my background to one of Justin Bieber. I'd much rather see his amazingly cute face than be reminded of Liam and times long gone.

After sorting that out, I went back to the website. A few minutes later, I found a page with names of some people who knew the Doctor.

Some of the names were completely random. A Ben and Polly in some city up north. A Martha Jones who worked for UNIT. Whatever the hell that was.

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