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I'm Yassie aka Fallen Sermo and I am writing and "opening" this critic shop for my fellow writers out there. THIS IS FREE OF CHARGE!

I'm NOT asking you to follow me nor vote for any of my published works. I'd rather you do those two if you feel so moved by what I've put out and want to know more about me. 

That being said, I want to emphasize the fact that I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL EDITOR. However, my knowledge and skills in editing manuscripts are vast and extensive, all I learned from editing my friends' and my own works . 

Before I pro-long this intro, I wanna just say that even if this is free of charge, and there is are no necessary payments—I'd be happy if you keep me in your mind/contacts when you know someone in need of an editor or when you publish your own work by then. 

My contacts are here:

TWT: @/waii_editing 

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