types of editing & rules, form.

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—types of editing

copy editing - edits and corrects grammatical errors, primarily focused on sentence structure and consistency.

line editing - focuses on the style, content, fluency, and voice. here is where i analyze how the author's sentence structure and syntax contributes to the way is the story is written and helps the overall cohesiveness of the story.

developmental / content editing - characterization, plot execution, pacing, and structure + non grammar elements.

proofreading - basic form of editing; grammar, punctuation, and spelling. i will only highlight the errors out for you.


1. English or Taglish stories only.

2.  One book per author. 

3. One type of editing only; I don't want to risk the integrity of your story if I do two or all of it. 

4. I accept short-stories, and one shots. 

5. First come, and first serve basis.

6. Please be patient towards me :)



title of the book:

type of editing:



—send me the form through wattpad message. 

for promotional purposes lang: tag other writers na kilala niyo. :)

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