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A fire danced in his lower belly, sending sparks shooting up and down his spine every time he set foot inside the cage. Restless, he waited, slick anticipation for his prey curling his fingers. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, making it that much harder to sit still.

Alive, for the first time in years. He felt alive.

Seated in a corner of the cage, cloaked by shadows, Hoseok watched his captive writhe in his sleep, hoarse cries tearing from his throat. In his sleep, in his dreams, Taehyung was a treasure trove of information. Watching him had been the only entertainment Hoseok got while on the run.

Depravity was Taehyung's thing. His trysts with women had been eye-opening, but he hadn't expected to see Taehyung engage in the same acts with men. With the same vigor. The same abandon. He glutted on pleasure, while Hoseok mourned the woman he'd lost. While his wife's soul-shattering screams echoed in his ears until he felt sure they bled.

While Hoseok sank under with the weight of the guilt and blame on his shoulders, Kim Taehyung  lived a life of decadent indulgence. That wasn't allowed to continue.

Now, he was Hoseok's entertainment. Breathing only at Hoseok's discretion.

A plaintive moan rumbled from the body on the floor. Taehyung shifted, and Hoseok heard his harsh intake of breath.

"Fuck," Taehyung swore, voice ragged and heavy with pain.

Hoseok watched him, lips quirking as Taehyung struggled to sit, chains rattling. If his stiff posture was any indication, he hurt all over.

The light in the cage remained off, casting the place in darkness. Still, Hoseok knew the sight of Taehyung's body by now. Caked from head to toe in streaked blood and grime, hair matted to his head. Swollen eyes and nose, the cut that had already scabbed over on his cheek, black and blue bruises decorated his taut midsection, unable to hide under all the dried blood.

He'd long lost the polished gentleman look about him, his tan fading with the lack of sunlight.

He never lost the fire in his eyes though. Never, and more often than not Hoseok found himself facing that blaze head-on. He always barely escaped without getting singed.

"Watching me sleep, Jung?" Taehyung's back remained facing Hoseok, but his head was tilted to the right. The tension in his shoulders matched the same quality in his voice.

Hoseok shrugged even though Taehyung wasn't looking at him. "I like to keep an eye on my captives." He stood and went to the opening of the cage, switching on the overhead light before retaking his seat in the corner. "Besides, you sound like you needed company."

Taehyung scoffed. "Is that what you think I am, your captive?" He positioned himself, movements abbreviated, until they were facing each other. "Hardly."

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