Chapter 13

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This was the event that occurred before  chapter 11 ( idk why I am writing this now pls forgive me)

Remember Soo Yool is Taehyung's step-sister. yeah, if you need to go back to chapter 11 do so.


CHAPTER 13 : Weakness

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CHAPTER 13 : Weakness

Somewhere deep inside, Taehyung recognized the dream. Somewhere deep inside, alarm bells clanged, determined to rouse him. But he was too tired. In too much pain. Too hungry. Too thirsty.

Too everything.

Which made his defenses crumble to dust when she came to him.

The last time she tried to take this route, he'd shot her down. Pushed her away. Unable to handle what changing their relationship from brother and sister to lovers could mean to their parents.

But she came to him now and he did nothing but watch her get on her knees for him. He'd fantasized about that. She touched him, surprisingly callous fingers.

Unfamiliar hands.

But she Soo Yool.

Like sex. Intoxicating heat that circled his throat, choked him, and roused the hairs on his nape.

"Hyung." She didn't sound like Soo Yool. This person's voice was too throaty, too thick. And there was the accent.

But she touched him, rough grip on his naked and bruised-up hip. He arched. Still, he managed to croak, "No."

"I'm here, hyung."

Except she wasn't. Soo Yool was dead. He had to keep repeating the words, letting them fill his fogged brain. Soo Yool was dead. So how could she be splayed between his thighs, warm breath on his lower belly, strong hands gripping his rapidly hardening shaft?

"No." He couldn't move, except his hips jerked forward, pushing him firmer into that grip. "No, Soo Yool. Stop."

They couldn't do this. Their father had forbidden it, and Taehyung didn't want Soo Yool to ever feel the kind of punishment the old man liked to inflict when someone went against his edict. She couldn't handle it.

Dry fingers drifted between his ass cheeks, rubbing his taint. His belly contracted as he tried to twist away. He couldn't. Nowhere to go, except deeper into the hot mouth that descended around his now fully erect shaft.

Surrounding him.

Taehyung choked. "Stop." His chest heaved. She didn't understand. She didn't know what awaited on the other side of this. She didn't seem to care, sucking him hard, pulling on him as he begged her to stop.

His body wanted it, the hazy heat spreading quickly to warm his frozen limbs. Making his entire body throb in pain. His heart raced, cock pulsing fast. But his mind refused to succumb. He didn't want this. Not that he didn't want her. He'd always want her. But he had to protect her from herself, from their father.

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