Chapter 1

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*Beep beep beep
I grab my phone and turn off my alarm. Drowsily I make my way to the bathroom. Staring into the mirror I realize that my hair is super messy. "How did it even manage to do that?" I mumble.

"Mreoww!" Frog sat on the sink. "Good morning Frog! Now how should I tame this wild beast?" I pull out my brush. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way."

I try brushing but in an instant my hair ate the brush. "How the- gimme that back!" Frog clearly uninterested in my battle, jumped off the counter and walked away.

"Bad hair, I guess we have to go with the ponytail." I quickly grab a hair tie and start collecting my hair. Surprisingly I didn't break the hair tie!

"Finally!" I yell in triumph grabbing a scrunchie and putting it around my ponytail.

-on the train

I scroll on Instagram just trying to find something at least a little interesting. Absolutely nothing. Turning off my phone and looking around I spot a girl who was looking at me.

She has olive skin with long black hair and beautiful brown eyes. That's when I realize I've been staring to long.

I quickly smile to make the atmosphere less uncomfortable. She quickly looks away hiding her face in her hands.

Ok then? Weird interaction, but I've been through worse. The train comes to a stop. I collect my stuff and get off the train. What a mysterious girl.

-after Anne's shift at the aquarium

I walk into my favorite coffee shop. After work I always go there. Most of the workers know me by now. "Hey Anne, you want the regular?" Florine says.

Florine is a nice girl, sure she can talk a bit loud sometimes! Overall she's a good person.

"That's it!" I say while I dig through my tote bag trying to find my wallet. I hand her my credit card.

"How was work today?" Florine asks. "The average, just a bunch of families. Field trips are my favorite because I get to tell a big group of kids about frogs, toads, and newts!" "Oh how I miss field trips!" Florine sighs. "Anyways your order will be out shortly!" I walk over to the table I always sit at.

"Order for Anne!" Jay yells. "Have a nice day, Jay!" I yell as I take my coffee. "You too, Anne!"

-when Anne got home

I open the door to my apartment. Finally I'm home! "Frog, time to eat!" I yell pouring some food in her bowl. Frog comes racing down the hallway. The second she makes to to the food bowl she's already eating. "When are you not hungry?" I giggle.

I grab my watering can and fill it up with water. Who was that girl on the train? She seems nice. I've definitely seen her on Instagram somewhere. I turn off the faucet and walk onto my balcony. The city is so pretty at night. All the lights, if only I had someone to share this view with. I finish watering my plants and walk back inside.

Come to think of it, I live a pretty lonely life..

((I have so many ideas for this book! Hope you enjoy!!))

The girl on the train / Marcanne / annexmarcyWhere stories live. Discover now