Chapter 8

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I stared up at Marcy realizing what I just did. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry!" I scramble out from under her and run out of the apartment. I don't think I've ever ran faster. I need to just take my mind off everything. Tears are flying off my face.

I don't know if Marcys following me. She's probably disgusted at what I did. I run to the train station checking in my ticket. I don't stop running. As I'm about to get on the train to escape everything a hand grabs my wrist stopping me.

"Anne relax." I turn around to see Marcy. Her face doesn't look disgusted or angry, it looks worried and full of hope. "You have to hate me Mars! What I did was stupid and I get it if you hate me." I turn away not being able to look her in the eye.

"Who said I hate you? Sure that was stupid but I don't hate you for it." The sincereness in her voice made me turn to face her.

"I don't hate you at all. I.. I love you." She said looking into my eyes. "I really love you." I cup her face with my free hand. "I really love you too Mars." And with that the space between us disappeared and so did the train. Nothing mattered except for us.

"Wow.." Marcy said her face still inches from mine. "So like, does this mean we're dating? Like girlfriend and girlfriend?" She said awkwardly giggling. "Well I sure hope it does!" I say giggling.

"Let's go back home you dork. You're literally in your pajamas." She said taking my hand and walking away from the station. "Are you literally judging my pajamas again?" "Yes, yes I am." She said smugly.

"You know what-" I pick Marcy up and run off with her in my arms. "ANNE WHAT THE?!" She giggled.

-after dinner

"I'm going to bed now." I yawn walking to my room. I turn around to see Marcy walking into her room and flopping onto her bed. "What do you think your doing, Mar Mar?" "Going to sleep." She said turning to face me.

I looked around her, noticing she was on the edge of her bed meaning I could easily roll her up in her blanket and take her to my room. It's the perfect plan.

I crept towards her. "Your coming with me!" I quickly rolled her up in her blanket. "Anne what are you doing!" She said giggling like crazy. "It gets lonely at night and I need my beloved girlfriend to keep me company!" I say carrying her out of the room. "We could've done this a more civilized way!" She said still giggling. "I like the chaotic route!"

After all that commotion we settled down into my bed. "I love you so much." "I love you too Mar Mar."

"I don't know what I'd do without you."

The girl on the train / Marcanne / annexmarcyWhere stories live. Discover now