Chapter 6

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I picked out my favorite frog button up and khaki shorts. After I finished changing I walked into the kitchen to start cooking.

"What are you making Annie?" Marcy said walking out in a sweater and black ripped jeans. "Oh I'm just making Thai Chicken Satay. And you look really nice!" I say taking out (insert what you need to make it I don't know how to cook??).


*knock knock knock

"I'm coming!" I say running to the door. I open up the door to see both of my parents. "Oh Anne how have you been! How's your job at the aquarium? Are you eating well?" My mom says hugging me. "Jeez mom your turning into grandma! Anyways come in come in!" I say escorting them inside and into the living room.

Marcy is sitting on the couch with Frog. At the sight of my dad Frog jumps off and gets in his lap. "Oh who's this Anne?" My dad asks noticing Marcy on the couch and then giving me the 'is this your secret girlfriend?' look.

"Oh this is Marcy my roommate! She just moved in." I say introducing Marcy. "Hi there Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy!" We all talk for a little before we finally decide it's time to eat.

"Oh my goodness, Anne! This tastes great!" Marcy complimented. "Thanks Mar Mar!"

"How did you and Marcy meet, Anne?" My mother asked. "Oh we met after we both missed the train." I answered.

"Oh ok. How'd you guys become roommates?" My mother asked. "Well when we missed the train she told me she might lose her apartment. I was also already pretty lonely in my apartment so I invited her to stay."

After more questions about Marcy and me, they left, and me and Marcy went to bed.


It was thundering outside. The whole apartment rattled. I was pretty used to this.

-a couple of minutes later

The thunder eventually got worse. *knock knock knock* I got up and walked to the door. When I opened it I saw Marcy. "Hey Mars, what do you need?" I ask clearly confused. A strike of lightning lights up the doorway and I see Marcys face which is gleaming with tears.

"Oh Mars, what's wrong?" Without thinking, I cup her face with my hands. "I know this sounds pathetic but I'm terrified of thunder and my old apartment was on the second floor so there wasn't shaking. It also brings up bad memories." "Oh Marcy its not pathetic. Do you want to sleep in my room?" I say wiping her tears. "Yes please." She says burying her face into my chest.

"Come here Mar Mar." I say guiding her to my bed. *crash* She shrieks and hugs me around the waist and burying her head into my hair. "We're almost there." She silently nods. I guide her into the bed. We lay down she wraps herself around me and buries her face into my chest.

On nights like these when I was young my mom would hum a song while running her fingers through my hair. I did just that. Marcy became less tense and it was like nothing mattered anymore.

I drift to sleep with the comfort knowing nothing could ever ruin this moment.

The girl on the train / Marcanne / annexmarcyWhere stories live. Discover now