The Third Night (Pt. 2) - Ones True Voice

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Mangle slowly inched her way into the office, too nervous to just walk in. Trevor quickly stood out of his chair, and stood next to it. Mangle quickly realized it was for her, making her blush lightly. Trevor sat on the desk, his mind wandering. Mangle walked to Trevor, looking at the large bruises on his forehead and cheek. Mangle lightly rubbed her thumb on the bruise on Trevor's forehead.

Mangle: You're hurt...

Mangle sat in the office chair.

Mangle: Um... Y-you alright?
Trevor: Yea, yea. I just... I can't get the fight from earlier out of my head.
Mangle: Fight?
Trevor: Travis and I. We got into a fight about you all being alive. He thinks you aren't, I think you are, it's a whole thing going on for three days now.
Mangle: Well... aren't both of you right and wrong?
Trevor: What?
Mangle: Um... n-nothing. F-forget I said anything.
Trevor: Nonononono! It's okay, I'm... I'm interested in what you have to say.

Trevor held Mangles hand in both of his. Mangle could feel herself blushing.

Mangle: Um... what I meant to say was... um... y-you both are right in some ways... but... also wrong in others.
Trevor: Like what?
Mangle: W-well, you're right about us being alive. W-we have a conscious, but he's also right in a sense, because we're not living organisms. Right?
Trevor: ... You're right, Mangle. Thank you.

Mangle could feel her face start to burn from blush. Suddenly, the phone rang, and went to voicemail, and Trevor was surprised who's voice he heard.

Travis (voicemail): Hey, Trevor, it's me. Look, uh... I'm sorry. You're right, they're alive and I need to understand that better. It's just... you're the only person in the family I have left and... and... I'm scared about what will happen to me if I lost you, bud. You're my twin, and I love you like one. I may be overprotective at times, and a bit much at others, but that's because I don't know how to let you do your own thing. I don't know how to... let you go. You're everything to me, and I'd take a bullet for you, even if it would kill me. So, um, as you probably know by now, I'm too drunk to come in, so you'll have to be there on your own. Good luck with... with doing your own thing. I love you, Trevor.

Suddenly, the voicemail cot off. Mangle looked at the phone in shock, then looked back at Trevor, who seemed to be crying. He tried his best to keep it contained, but he couldn't help but let a few tears sneak through.

Trevor: My... my own thing, huh? Thank you, Travis.

Mangle quickly hugged Trevor, Trevor quickly hugging back. Trevor laughed.

Mangle: What's funny?
Trevor: You know, I've been waiting for the moment to do my own thing for at least fifteen years, and I have no idea what to do.

Mangle giggled. Suddenly, Trevor got an idea, and told Mangle a plan he had. Minutes later, everyone but the golden bear was sitting in the dining room, being told the idea Trevor had.

Foxy: Wait, wait, wait, wait... you're telling me that The Shy-ster... can SING.
Trevor: Well, both Travis and I, really. We were both born with many extra vocal chords, and can make any sound we want.
Fredderina: Care to give an example?

Trevor quickly smirked and cleared his throat.

Trevor (Fredderinas voice): Will this be enough of an example, miss.

Fredderina jumped at the sudden accuracy of her own voice from someone else. Bonnie and Foxy began to laugh loudly.

Trevor: If we wanted, we could sound like an entire band on our own, but it takes a lot of energy to do, and we'll get tired easily, so we usually sing together. I'd be happy to sing something for you, if you'd want.

Everyone quickly nodded excitedly, wanting to hear how good Trevor really is. Trevor thought, looking at the animatronic girls, suddenly getting an idea.

Trevor: How about one for the four classics?

Fredderina, Bonnie, Foxy, and Chica all nodded their heads.

Trevor: Okay...

Trevor took a deep breath, and closed his eyes, trusting himself entirely.

Trevor peaked through his eye lids, seeing everyone incredibly excited. All of the girls began to cheer and clap their hands for Trevor. This made Trevor blush a lot, leaving his head like a tomato. Trevor slightly sank into his neck, giving a slight smile, causing some of the girls to aw. This made Trevor blush more, making him walk back into the office. Trevor shut both of the doors, and sat in the chair, looking at the ceiling. Trevor lightly pumped his fist back in excitement. Suddenly, there was tapping on the glass on the left window. Trevor looked, and saw Mangle breathing on the window, trying to write something. When she was finished, she ran off, back to the others. Trevor stood up, and walked to the window, the things wrote making him smile.

"You sound great!!!"

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