Chapter 1:Wolf Moon

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Its a dark foggy night in Beacon hills and we see a couple of sheriffs getting out of their vehicles and going in to the woods with flashlights

Meanwhile,we see Scott Mccall,high school student in his home as he threads his lacrosse stick,all of a sudden he hears a knock on his door

Stevens Pov



Steven:what ya doin

Scott:nothing,just getting my stick ready for the game tomorrow

Steven:cool,your honna do great little brother,hey,i was wandering if u wanted to go get something to eat,uk sibling bonding and stuff

Scott:uhh,nah,im good,sorry maybe some other time,i just think i should get some rest before the first day

Steven:oh,right ofc,ill talk to u later then,good night lil bro

Scott:good night

As Steven closes the door and tries to leave he gets a call from the station telling him to come to the woods

Steven:alright,ill be there

Steven hangs up the phone and knocks on Scotts door

Steven:Hey,i gtta go to the station,they need my help finding a body,anyway ill cya,good night and remember theres food in the fridge if u get hungry


Steven then leaves the house as Scott does some chin ups and goes to the bathroom to wash his face as he hears something outside

Scott then gets worried that it might be an animal or something because Steven had left a while ago and he goes to check who it is and its his bestfriend Stiles

Stiles and Scott talk about the body in the woods and how only half of it was found,Scott tells Stiles that his brother got a call and Stiles suggest that they should find the other half of the body,after that Scott and Stiles go to the woods.

After that Scott and Stiles pull up to the woods in Stiles Jeep and Scott and Stiles get out to investigate while talking about the body and how Scott wants to make first line this year in lacrosse and Stiles telling him to have a dream that is unrealistic,Scott takes out his inhaler because he has trouble breathing and then they both lay low as they see an officer and after that Stiles starts to run away

An officer catches up to Stiles while Sheriff Stilinski and Steven are right behind the officer

Sheriff Stilinski: Hang on, hang on... This little delinquent belongs to me.

Stiles:Dad,how are you doing,Steven?

Stiles waves at steven giving him a hey gesture

Sheriff Stilinski:So your listening to all my phone calls now

Stiles then smiles while saying

Stiles:No!...not the boring ones

Steven:So where is he


Sheriff Stilinski:your usual partner in crime

Stiles:Scott? Scotts at home.He said he wanted a good night sleep before the first day of school,theres just me in the woods all alone

Steven:Scott,you out here,this is your only chance little brother,come out or else youll be in big trouble

There is no response since Scott is hidden behind a tree saying nothing

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