Chapter 3:Pack Mentality

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Its night time at Beacon Hills and Scott is with Allison and he takes her to a bus,in which they make out and Scott then turns and attacks her,Turns out,it was all just his dream

Its day time at beacon hills school and Scott and Stiles are talking about Scotts dream last night and how Scotts dream felt real

Just then as they are walking,you can see Steven with the rest of the sheriffs guarding a bus in the bus bay that had blood splattered all in the back

Scott scared that it might be Allison goes oot the class with Stiles and tries to call Allison but she doesnt pick up,after a while,Scott punches the locker and puts a hole through it.Just then Allison comes in from behind and Scott is happy to see her and after that,they talk and Allison asks Scott to save her a seat at lunch,Scott then goes to his next class

After School

Few hours later Scott head to the animal clinic and after a couple minutes,he sees his brother and Sheriff Stilinski enter the clinic

Scott gets worried as he thinks they are here to arrest him because he thinks that they might have figured out that he killed Garrison Myers.

Just then Sheriff Stilinski and Steven bring in a K-9 unit to get checked by Deaton,Steven is also holdinf a briefcase in his hand

Sheriff Stilinski: Hey there Scott,you staying out of trouble


Steven:whats up little bro


Sheriff Stilinski:Hey,listen

Sheriff Stilinski looks at Steven and Steven opens up the zipper of a briefcase hes holding

Sheriff Stilinski:while we are here,you mind taking a look at those pictures I was telling you about?

Steven pulls out a file labeled evidence envelope and hands it ti Deaton

Steven:Sacramento still cant determine if it was an animal or not

Deaton:Im nit exactly an expert...

Deaton looks at the photos

Deaton:oh,this is the guy who was attacked on the bus

Deaton shows the photo to Sheriff Stilinski and Steven to confirm

Sheriff Stilinski:yea,and we found wolf hairs on Laura Hales body

Steven doesnt say anything as he knows exactly what could have happened to Laura

Just then Scott says

Scott:a wolf?

Scott:umm,i mean i rhink i read somewhere that wolves havent been in california for,like,sixty years

Steven:yea,unless they magically appeared out of no where

Steven and Scott look at each other

Deaton:True enough but wolves are highly migratory. They could have wandered in from another state, driven by impulse or strong enough memory.

Scott:Wolves have memories?

Steven:You wont believe it but animals can be smart uk like humans

Steven winks at Scott,to which Scott smirks a little knowing exactly what steven means

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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