Chapter 2 Second Chance at First Line

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Lacrosse field at BHHS

Scott is practicing with the team as Steven joins the crowd,because he is worried for his brother because of last night.

Coach asks Jackson to pick up a bigger stick and as him and Scott get ready to go against each other,Jackson hits Scott,Scott gets angry as Coach makes fun of him and then they try it again.Scott then hits Jackson so hard on his collarbone and jackson falls back on the grass and clutches his shoulder

Stiles then runs over to Scott,worried about his friend and so does Steven

Stiles and Steven help Scott get up and as they are leaving,Steven notices Derek and asks Stiles to take Scott to the lockers as he looks to the side,he sees Derek walking away and he follows him

Stevens pov:


Steven follows and calls him as derek still facing forward stops

Derek:what do u want Steven

Steven:I wanna talk,its been a long time

Derek:yea,it has

Derek turns around

Derek:what exactly do u wanna talk about,how u made out with the girl that tricked me into liking her and killed my family

Steven:look,i know i messed up,bad,but i still like u,as a friend and more,i know u might not but you were my bestfriend and i love u,still do.

Derek:just leave Steven,and dont talk to me again


Derek:I said go

Derek then walks away as Steven is left standing there

Steven then walks away and goes checks on Scott

Steven walks in after Scott attacked Stiles

Steven:what the hell just happened

Stiles turns to Steven

Stiles:he turned i guess

Stiles looks at Scott

Stiles:You cant play saturday.your gonna have to get outta the game

Steven:yea,hes right Scott,no way in hell your playing in this condition

Scott:Im first line...

Steven cuts him off

Steven:not anymore

Steven then drives Scott home

Stevens pov:

Steven:u feeling alr

Scott:ye...yea i think so

Steven:the hell u mean u think so,u better not be turning into a creature in my car

Scott and Steven then giggle alittle

Scott:so how do you know him


Scott:Derek,i mean,even though i was in pain,i still heard you and Stiles talking about him

Steven:Its a long story

Scott:well then tell a short version

Steven:uhhh,your not gonna give up huh

Steven:Me and Derek,we,well i liked him,we used to be bestfriends

Scott:wait,u liked him like..

Steven:yes,like that,but i mean shit,can u blame me have u seen how hot he is

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