ch. 2

23 1 0

P.s this is very extremely short... my apologies-

The teacher sighed "yes, Lilith?" she said in a clearly annoyed tone. i put my raised hand down onto my desk. "may i go use the washroom?" i ask, getting a shrug from her in return.

"sure, but come back right after and no foolishness." and with that, i gently scoot my chair back and got off of it, standing up and making my way to the classroom doors, leaving.

you may be wondering about what has happened today.

Well, I dressed into a new outfit I got a few weeks ago and skipped breakfast since I was running late. I had a couple of my classes witch soon led to the present.

First lunch will be any minute now... I haven't spoken to grey, quite frankly no one yet today. I tried to talk to grey this morning but he walked off.

He often doesn't like to chat at school unless we drive there together or something. Even though he's decently popular and well known, he doesn't even chat with the people there when he is able to have some peace and quiet alone.

Now anyways back to the present moment...

I pushed open the woman's washroom doors and go into a stall, doing my buisness.

While I was going to flush the toilet when I was done and ready to go back to class though, I heard laughter of girls waking in, followed by the gross smell of cigarettes.

I flushed the toilet, leaving the stall moments later to be "welcomed" by some girl's from a few of my classes, weather its was last year or this year for some of them.

They all were quiet and giving me dirty looks while I went and washed my hands so I spoke up first.

" You all smell worse then pounds of a week old garbage stuck in an enclosed room." I said, maybe it was to far, but these girls always took things to far, and worse. Atleast with most people they meet.

"Shut up right now or else" I scoffed with an eye roll when I heard that come out of one of there mouths. It was a bright redhead whose hair was up in a high braid ponytail more then half of the time.

I hate when people say it, or more so anything. "Or else".. it doesn't prove anything. That your rough? No.

Anyways, I leave the washroom after that interaction with them and made my way back to class.

About 5 minutes after I took a seat back in my classroom the bell rang.

"Alrighty, class dismissed!" My teacher, Mr. Phillips called out although half the students were already starting to pack as soon as they had heard the loud ring.

I grabbed my bag and went straight out of the class to my locker that was on the third floor.

"Lillith, there you areee!" I heard someone say behind me, I punched in my combination and pulled off the lock "hey, Jason" I replied after I opened my locker and set my bag inside I turned around to face him, what's that smirk on his face for?

"We haven't seen you at all today. Care to come join me and the crew at the back of the school for lunch?" He asked, hope in his eyes.

I looked around at the other students surrounding the halls before making my decision. "Sorry I guess I been busy today, is Grey here? And sure" I said with a small smile forming on my lips.

Jason grinned and nodded before grabbing my lock out of my hands and locking my locker closed.

He then grabbed my hand and headed to leave the school. We made it down to the first floor, Jason held the door open for me, I thanked him Of course.

The two of us made our way to the back of the school hand in hand.

It wasn't romantically, or at least not to me. We're friends, just like me and Grey are... I guess.

"Jason~!" A boiled kettle said when we turned the corner to get where everyone else was. He didn't let go of my hand, instead he held it a bit tighter.

The girl came running over and hugged him, wrapping her arms around his neck. When she kissed his cheek Jason had enough and let go of my hand to push her off of him, not pushing her away gently.

"Go away Summer, I warned you that night was a one time thing." He said to her. The two of them chatted since he couldn't get her to leave his side, I took the chance to make my way to the group that wasn't far from where the three of us were.

The seven of us talked about what's been going on today. News, how things have been, plans for this weekend even though it's not even Friday yet, ect...

I kept looking around, no sign of Grey until I noticed him walking over, must've had something to do before he could come meet us.

"Tonight dinner is at 8:30, my place so don't make any plans. Oh, and after dinner me, you, Drystan and Michelle are going to watch a movie or something" Grey said, I sighed and crossed my arms while raising my eyebrow at him.

"When did I say I was going to be having dinner tonight with you, and why of all people we gotta have Michelle with us?" I responded with.

Michelle used to hang out with us often because she was dating Drystan for a short period of time last year, it was on and off while me and Grey kept telling him to leave her once and for all.

She's toxic, and a huge cheater.. probably a gold digger to but drystan doesn't pay no mind. "He's back with being with her, she had apologized and all that so there trying it....again" he shrugged.

Grey then chuckled after a moment of silence "also our parents had made plans for it" he responded to my first question. I sigh quietly and nodded.

***walking out of the school at the end of the day***

Hand in hand was me and Grey, walking in the parking lot to his car. "I'm not doing all the work on it Grey, put in some effort!" I replied to Grey who was refusing to work on a project.

We were partnered up in sience for one, but he won't listen to me about it of course.

"No, and that's final." He says while shaking his head. Grey gott into the driver's seat after unlocking the car "if you won't do it then ill make sure I only get the marks" I scoffed, earning a grin from him.

"That an empty threat?" He asked and I went silent, quickly shifting my gaze to look out my passengers side window.

I feel his hand grip my thigh after a little bit...

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