|Ryusui|I desire you|

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|Ryusui Nanami x Reader One-Shot|

A couple of months has passed by ever since Ryusuis appearance. And it was one hell of an experience for you. From first glance, he was practically in love with you. With your looks, personality, skill, kindness, everything. You were the only thing he desired to have in this stone world. He would try to get your attention all of the time no matter what, would give up almost any aprotunity just to hang out with you or be with you durring any type of missions you had to be on.

Today, you were just full on busy with everything. From helping Yuzuriha sew clothes, to helping Senku gather materials for a project he was working on.

While helping Senku, you hear footsteps come up to you, of course, it was none other than the sailor Ryusui Nanami.

"Hey Y/n! Wanna tell me what you're working on~-"

"Not now, Ryusui... Im busy.." You said in an annoyed tone.

You stood up with the materials in your hands and started walking away, he started to follow you explaining how everything was too heavy for you.

"You dont wanna dirty thoes gorgeous hands of yours, let me take care of it~~."

He tried to grab the things away from you, so in response you moved your arms away.

"I can carry these on my own. I dont need any help."

You started to walk in the other direction making him feel defeated in a way.

"Whats up with Ryusui..?" Senku said to you as you walked over to him.

"Dont know... Ever since we both first met hes been all "lovey lovey" towards me." You said as you put the stuff down on a little desk.

"Well, he is very much a charmer to everyone he meets... Including men." Senku replied with.

"I wont argue with that, he's a HUGE flirt." You said as you crossed your arms.

"Keheh, thats true. But we should probably get some shut-eye. The suns setting. And I do need my full 8 hours in order to function this brain of mine." He said as he started to tap at his forehead.

"See you in the morning then Senku.."

"See ya Y/n.."

You walked out of the science lab and started to strech your arms. While stretching. You hear footsteps once again. But it wasnt Ryusui, surprisingly. It was Francois his butler.

"Ah! You spooked me!"

"Oh, my apologies.. Maybe I shall warn you text time..?"

You giggled and turned towards them.

"Whats up..?"

"I would like to discuss a matter with you. But I would like to ask for your permission first before I do so."

"O-of course! You dont have to ask." You said as you chuckled at the end.

"Thank you very much Miss Y/n." They said as they bowed to you.

"I would like to discuss this somewhere private though. Is it alright if we can take this conversation to your tree house?"

"Mmm? Yeah thats fine. Im going there anyways so thats okay with me!." You said enthusiastically.

Francois nodded and walked to the destination. You both climbed up the ladder to your tree house and settled in.

"Want anything to drink Francois? I only have water if thats okay..."

They raised their hand gesturing no.

"No thank you, i do appreciate your hospitality and kindness though Miss Y/n. This wont take long anyways.."

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