....And Arrivals

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Oxwood, was in the clear, rolling farm lands, it was mostly in semi-flat terrain, having hills that slopes up slowly, key word, was now, they were in mostly flat, with a forest in the distance, they wall of fire was noticed, and a lot of people, went to see what had happened.

It didn't take long for a second issue to come up, phones were not working, calls to people who were not there, were not connecting, the internet was down, as well, causing more issues. What ever had happened, had disconnected the era of information, from most of their information sources. The college did have a large server, where they had saved several copies of sites used, primarily education, however, the collage was also the back up for the TV local station, Hospital, and had the records of the bank saved.

It didn't take long for the second issue to come up, the power to most of the area was down. The hospital, the college, and the local Walmart, had back ups, along with the few grocery stores. The mayor had the police, and the national guard outpost, get to those locations, due to what would inevitably come next. In this town of a few thousand, a couple dozen police were not much, but add the 50 soldiers, it was better than nothing.

People did panic, and Try and rush to the stores to buy/steal as much as they could, but order was kept, before it got too bad. The town met in the parking lot of the collage, where nearly everyone could gather or hear, as the Mayor made his announcement over a bullhorn.

"Everyone, please, remain calm, this is a strange situation, I admit, but, I think it would be best if we do not forget we are a community. And I am setting up an emergency crisis management team. The Hospital's helicopter is going to fly around, see if they can see any other places, but, I think we will need to places a few rules down.

1. We can't afford to waste the fuel we have, I request all cars not be used. Buses will be used for transport, but most of us are able bodied, so we can walk.
2. Many of the students now no longer have families, we are asking to open doors, and take those younger students in, we know it's scary, it is for all of us.
3. We are trying to solve the power situation, but we may not be able to power everyone's home, so I suggest we gather perishables and store them the best we can.

I am also stepping down, in place of the emergency council, made up of the community's leaders." The mayor explained.

The population of the town returned, disconnecting, turning off things not essential, freezers, with neighbors gathering meat and placing it inside to keep it preserved, the best they could. 


The situation in Kharta, was seeming different, the few Soldiers, were not the only ones armed, the town produced guns, rifles, pistols, machine guns, both sub and heavy. The OPGU agent had conscripted many of the fighting age men, those who didn't have any issues or serious injuries.

After the Conscription, the 25 soldiers, including the Agent, was now around 250.

"All Vehicles are now owned by the Red Army, halt all production on guns and ammo. The Powerplant shall run on minimum power, we are halting all work until the situation is solved." Agent Vassili Bagdanov ordered

He would load have 10 of the original soldiers stay stationed in the town, having everyone return to their homes, before closing the factories, and ensuring the power plant was doing as it was suppose to.

The conscripted soldiers walked down the forested road, until they reached the end, and returned.

"Somewhere around 8 km the forest ends, and so does the road, and rails. It is as if the Union does not exist. From what i saw, we are not where we were, the forest stops, and we are now in a large rolling plains. I saw something, like a walled city in the distance" the soldier reported.

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