hopefully you won't have to know

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Edmund walked out of the white door, a brown flower pot in his hand.

His mother had sent him outside to plant it and Edmund just couldn't motivate himself.

He sighed and turned around to close the door.

He looked up and saw someone walking towards the house.
It was a soldier, his uniform exposed him.

First Edmund wanted to smile. This was a man coming back to his family, and that was great.

But what was even better, it was his father's face that stared at him, unbelieving of what he saw.

The pot shattered with a loud noise on the ground. Edmund started at his face that was so similar to his brother's.

He had seen Peter as a King after battles and wars, and this was how his father looked right now.

"Dad?", Edmund whispered.

"Ed", his father breathed.

Before Edmund knew it, his feet carried him over the stones, the grass and the fence and into his father's arms.

Edmund buried his face in his father's chest and Mr. Pevensie held him tightly.

"Oh Edmund!", he said while tears streamed over his face.
He held him an armlength away and eyed his face.

"You've grown!"
Edmund chuckled through his tears.
"I'm almost as tall as Pete!"

"What?", Mr. Pevensie laughed. And then he pulled him close again.

Neither of them wanted to let go.

"You know, my father already fought in a war", Mr. Pevensie said quietly after a while.
"And now I have."

Edmund didn't want to know where this was going.

"Hopefully you won't ever have to know how it is", Mr. Pevensie said and Edmund heard his memories in his voice.

Tears shot into Edmund's eyes because his father would never know that Ed knew how it was to fight in a war. And that he knew it quite well.


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