my tenderheart

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Caspian's fingers drummed on the table while he listened to the Lords that were discussing whether Calormen planned to attack Narnia or not.

He was ready to just jump up and run out of the room. His wife Lilly the Tenderhearted hadn't appeared and he started to become nervous.

She usually never slept in, and he couldn't imagine what could have happened to make her not show up.

His gazes wandered over to Peter, who seemed to be annoyed by their screams.

"Now", the High King said loudly and the Lords quickly shut up.
"I think it is best when we continue this council after lunch."

Was he allowed to get up now?

Peter himself got up and Caspian took it as an invite to rush out of the room, down the hallway, and up the stairs.

Then he arrived at the door.
He slowly knocked.

"Lilly?", he asked quietly, but nobody answered.

He then opened the door and came in, only to see his wife sitting on the floor, quickly wiping away her tears so he wouldn't see them.

Hurt filled his chest and for one moment it felt like he couldn't breathe.
"Lilly!", he said quietly and sat down next to her. "What happened?", he asked and embraced her.

She only started to cry more, and Caspian stroked her back until her crying wasn't so bad anymore.

"Is it because of yesterday?", he quietly said.
He took her silence as a yes.

"Li, you know, just because you accidently let go of the halter doesn't mean that you've made a big mistake, or that anybody thinks less of you", he said. She didn't answer.

"It wasn't your fault that the horse ran away. And everything is good now, Peter catched it!"
She still didn't say anything.

"If it helps, we can go to the stable and visit the horse. And you can try holding the halter again."

Lilly shook her head.
"I want to stay here", she said.
Caspian nodded. "We can do that", he said.

"But please remember, there was nothing that could have been your fault", he whispered.

"And nobody loves you less. Especially me."
He smiled and kissed her heart.
"You'll always be my Tenderheart."

This one shot is for @TasmanischerTeufelLS. Lilly, I love you so so much. And you always have a chance to do it again ❤️

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