Bloody Paws

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TW: mentions of death, murder, false accusations, betrayal, the 'devil', symbolism, hallucinations

Title: Bloody Paws

Conflict: Magpiestrike has always been overconfident, logical, observative, skillful and loved in his clan. He's openly displayed his interest in becoming leader as the current deputy. During an unfortunate series of events, the current leader of Flightclan; Crowstar is found brutally murdered, and around his body lay ten crows whose bellies were infested with maggots . Ten crows for the devil's own self.The death shattered the peaceful clan and accusations flew wildly. Now, Magpiestrike has always been one for symbolism and power, so naturally the blame eventually fell on him. He was begrudgingly made the leader by the clan, but that didn't mean they accepted him. Constant traps and plots to undermine him. More murders began to drop and the clan was growing severely unsettled. As he picks up clues, rumors, and veiled secrets, the path to the truth grows clearer but will the clan accept it? His previous overconfidence turned into mistrust, distress, and hallucinations of death on his name. Would Magpiestar escape his nightmares and find the culprit or would the invisible blood stains on his fur never leave?

Quote: "Aren't you so determined to put me in the spotlight?"

Notes: This plot would be great to expand your descriptive writing, and writing with more dark themes. It probably won't be very good for heart to heart discussions or character interactions since most of it is focussing on Magpiestar's distress and his will to uncover the truth as no one trusts him.

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