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TW: murder, bloodline hierarchy, being forced, death

Title: Spoiled

Conflict: Nectarshine was the oldest offspring of the king, she was destined to be the next leader from the moment she was born. As crown princess, she was spoiled. Any prey she wanted, any flowers she desired, any mate she courted. All could be arranged. But all that changed the second the rebellion sparked. Tired of the bias and lack of diversity in the bloodline, Floralclan desires to end the currently family's rule. Magnoliagrove and Hemlockseed now rule after murdering the current monarchs, they are quite accepted within the group bringing more justice to the ordinary followers. However, Nectarshine is cast down, she is forced to the lowest ranks of the clan. A servant, used by all the members. Worth nothing more rotten prey. She despises this change, scowls at ranks higher than her, disobeys orders. However the royal pair makes her stay, wanting to break her wild streak, force her into submission. Will the spoiled princess learn her place or will her rebellious nature lead to danger, or perhaps success.  

Quote: "I'll say what I want, do as I please. And what can you do to stop it? Nothing."

Notes: This can be a good, past/present book if you want the conclusion to be simple. It's good with writing morally gray or realistic characters that can be relatable in a good or bad way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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