501 16 1

Date Updated: 09/07/23

Hello! I'm back with an update again, guys! So I enjoyed reading your comments last night! Thank you so much for reading this story. So here's the new update! And I hope you like it! Enjoy reading!



"You're cute here, hon." I showed his picture to him. We're here in the training room. I took some pictures of him while the training isn't starting yet.

I glanced at him who's leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Hon, take a look at this." He slightly raised his head and took a look on my phone.

"Tss. Delete that." He ordered and looked down again, still leaning on my shoulder.

"Why? You're cute in this picture."

"Cute? Tss. Do I look like a pup?" He stole my phone from my hands.

"Hey, Hyunjin! Don't you dare dele-"

"Smile, hon." I covered my eyes a bit when a light flashed on my face.

"Pft. You look stupid." I look at him and he's laughing while looking at his phone.

And you look stupid on your other pictures too.

"Kidding, you look like uhm-"

"You look like?" I asked while waiting for his next words.

"Damn. You look like the mother of my future kids."

God. I think I'm blushing again right now.


"Do it!~"

"Woahh! We're excited for that!"

"We will gonna be the uncles!" I heard the Chois and Taehyun said that. And then I suddenly remembered that night when we...

Aish! Scratch that, Y/N!

"I love you, hon." Hyunjin said while smiling at me.



"I love you more, honey!"

"Nah. I love you more."

"No! I really love you more."

"I love you more than most."

"Aish! Tsk!"

"I thought we're here for Miss Y/N's training?" Soobin whispered at me. I shrugged. I crossed my arms and leaned back on the wall. They're still busy, and who are we to disturb their sweet moment?

I diverted my gaze back to Miss Y/N and Mr. Hwang who are still talking.

"Hahahahaha!" I was looking at Mr. Hwang while he's laughing when I felt my phone vibrated on my pocket.

*Miss Yeonhee Calling...*

I felt my hands suddenly became cold when I saw the caller's name. It's Miss Yeonhee.

"Hey, Taehyun! Don't tell me you're going to escape the training?" I threw a glare on Yeonjun before I left to answer the call.

"Good morning, M-Miss Yeonhee." I lit up a cigarette to lessen my nervousness I'm feeling right now. I know how Miss Yeonhee loves Miss Y/N. Honestly, I felt reassured when she went to Mr. Hwang's house that night. I felt her anger to our boss, but her love as a mother still prevailed.

𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗗 𝗧𝗢 𝗔 𝗠𝗔𝗙𝗜𝗔 𝗕𝗢𝗦𝗦 (SKZ Hyunjin Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now