Chapter 1: Press play to start

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Dream is a normal person who happens to come into contact with a strange video game called « University Paramours: Are You Ready To Fall In Love? ». Weird title he knows. Well, apparently this game is magic and sucks him in. Dream is very confused but hey at least there are cute boys around him and he gets to be best friends with them! I mean sure there are a little clingy and possessive and also stare at him a lot BUT that's what friends do. yep

Hi! This is not my real fic the author deleted it.
Also not shipping the actual creators. Just there personas.

Dream finds a weird game. In the process falls for a cute fox boy.


Chapter Text:
Dream didn't expect to see a game inside of the package he found outside his door. The game seemed to be a dating simulator. A game genre that Dream doesn't usually play. It must have been something Drista had ordered. As he put the game into his console he was met with a very lovey-dovey themed title with the words University paramours: are you ready to fall in love? Honestly the title screen was overly colorful and had very bright colors. It also seemed to be a bit old. Nonetheless Dream was bored so he started the game

As the screen switched from the title page to the loading screen. He felt his eyes start to grow heavy as he tried to blink away the fatigue from his eyes.





The last thing he saw was the starting screen before a bright light filled his vision causing him to fall asleep.


Dream awoke on a bench in a park. People were walking by him going to different places.

As he looked around, he noticed the street beside him was very clean. Back in the "real world" Dreams street was always filled with trash yet you couldn't find anything like that in this park. He also noticed that someone had changed his clothes, before he was wearing a white shirt with basketball shorts and now he was wearing a green sweater with ripped jeans and a smiley face necklace. The last thing he remembered was that he was about to play the dating simulator game...


Go to school.

Dream heard a chime as these words popped up above his head

Wait, what? Am I dreaming? Is this actually here?

Dream tried to touch the pop up message but his hands phased through the screen by doing so. Dream had accepted the objective, causing him to teleport to the front of the school.


No one seemed to mind that dream had just teleported out of thin air; they just kept walking past him. The only thing that caught some people's attention was that dream had just yelled out to himself.

Am I in the game? No no...this isn't what happens in real life! This is just something my mind is making up! Dream approached the school trying to figure out his surroundings

Before dream could take another step he was knocked to the ground

"O-Oh my god I am so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!"

The one who had knocked dream down was a fox, dream noted. He was holding out a hand to help him up. As he was getting up he noticed that the fox was wearing a black jacket on top of a white shirt with black jeans. On his neck was a black collar. He was cute. As their eyes met the fox looked at dream with a dazed look.

"That's ok, I wasn't paying attention either."

"I-im Fundy... i've never seen you here before, are you new?"

"yeah it's my first day my name is Dream!"

"I-If you want I could.. Show you around?"

Before Dream could reply two people came towards them. One was tall with curly brown hair and circular glasses while the other looked a lot younger and had blonde hair and a shirt with short, red sleeves.

The taller one ruffled Fundy's hair affectionately.

"Fundy, I told you you need to always look where you're going!"

The taller mans attention was now put to dream.

"I am so sorry about that darling, I hope your ok"

Being called darling by someone handsome caused dreams face to be dusted with a soft blush.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine it was just an accident after all."

"Oh tha-"


The bell rung

"WILBUR! We're going to be late now!" replied the blonde haired boy.

"sh*t, Tommy run or else Phils gonna kill us"

With an apologetic look Wilbur headed into the front gate along with Tommy. Fundy gave a small wave to Dream and then followed them.

Well now what? Dreams at school but how's he gonna know where his class is?

dream was a bit confused until-


♡Go to class♡

Well that's convenient.

Dream touched the message which caused a line to form from where dream was standing to inside the building.

I guess I just follow it?

Dream followed the trail to get to class.

He sat down in his seat waiting for the teacher to arrive. Until he noticed the familiar brown hair sitting right in front of him.

It seemed Wilbur noticed him as well because he turned around and sat so that he was facing toward Dream with his arm on the backrest of the chair.

"Well hello again darling, I didn't expect someone as pretty as you to be here"

A pink blush dusted over dreams face.

"May I ask what your name is? So that I can have a name to match for your pretty face?

"O-oh it's Dream"

"You certainly look like a Dream"

Dream giggled.

"And what about you?"

"It's Wilbur, but you can call me anything you want."

Dream smirked.

"Well then Lover boy, it looks like class is about to start, try to stay focused."

As soon as class started, it seemed that time had sped up like a time lapse. He got into class when the sun was still up but now it was setting. it seemed that whatever was happening to him made it so that he didn't have to attend classes. The only part that he got from the whole class was that there was a festival happening tomorrow. Which meant that this festival must be important. I should ask Fundy and Wilbur about it.

Is this how you flirt?

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