Evil dread

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Mike: *Chester* There's a storm 'a coming dagnabbit! *Svetlana* I'm scared! After all zese years, he's going to return! *Vito* Ayo, how we gonna stop this goombah? *Manitoba* Hush it, mates. Mike is waking up!

Mike Wakes up as his normal self, looks around

 Mike: Uh... huh, wuzzat? You guys say something?

Meanwhile, a mosquito is feeding on Sam, draining a large amount of his blood, causing him to grow pale


as we were standing on two platforms Gwen walks past Duncan who had his hand up

Chris: ooh! someones invisible. Harsh. TV couples. Is it ever a good idea

the boat with Lightning arrives

Scott: Any luck finding the invincibility statue?

Lighting: No need. I am an invincibility statue!

Chris: Bonjour campers. If you recall our season 3 Parisian find and build a sculpture debacle. This time, our interns have buried 3D puzzle pieces all over the beach, 7 pieces per team. Find all your pieces and assemble them on your platform to recreate one of the landmarks visited on our world tour first to finish wins

Sam starts to stumble across the platform

(y/n): Sam, you okay?

Sam: uh, feeling woozy. And kinda drained a little. A lot. Not sure why

Chris: since the villainous vultures won the first challenge, they get to dig with shovels. Incoming!

he then threw shovels at the villains

Sam: hey, where are our shovels?

he then fell off the platform. The ground underneath him fell through, revealing a mote around the platform

Chris: and getting on and off your platforms will be challenging due to the moats. That are filled with-

Sam: ah! crustaceans!

he screams as he gets pinched by crabs

Chris: I don't know why but it gets funnier every time

Lightning: no big thing for Light-o-ning!

he jumps off the platform but a board sprung from the sand, smacking Lightning into the moat

Chris: and you might wanna watch out for the booby traps in the sand

Mike: what are we supposed to dig with?

Chris: sorry, shovels are for winners only. I guess you'll have to use your hands. Challenge starts now!

he then blows a horn. We then huddled up

Zoey: We should divide our area into sections and each dig in one!

Courtney: No, let's separate the beach into quadrants and each pick a quadrant!

Cameron: That's exactly what Zoey said.

Courtney: Then...Good! We'll use the plan that Zoey and I came up with!

Zoey Putting her hands in the center of the huddle

Zoey: go team!

Heroic Hamsters: *minus Courtney* GO TEAM!

we throw our hands up in the air

Courtney: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Can we start digging now?

Courtney: Confessional: What's with the loving? Hello! It's called Total Drama, not Total Friendship

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