The Flight Pt. 3

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Ruv's POV:

I can't believe that fucking bitch of a Karen had her mouth taped shut all because me and Sarv where fighting over the last cookie! I was going to give it to her though. Anyway, Sarvente fell asleep almost as soon as the fight stopped. Jeez she sleeps a lot on planes. Anyway, she was asleep for almost the rest of the flight, until I tried to balance snacks on her head. It didn't work out well. After the plane landed, we had to go on another fucking plane just to go on another fucking plane. What kind of torture is this?

Sarv's POV:

OOO That nap was good! I think I'm starting to hate planes because of the crazy Karen. But anyway, we are like, 1/4 to Russia! This will probably take several days but I'm patient. I'm concerned about Ruv though, he got really angry at the Karen.

3rd person POV:

They boarded the second plane Ruv was sorta tired from staying up the whole plane trip. Also kept complaining to Sarv about how many planes they had to take to get to Russia. A 7-year-old kids sat next to them this time. Sarv and Ruv switched seats since Ruv kinda wanted the window seat. Every time Sarvente would lay down in Ruv's lap, the 7-year-old kid would slap Sarvente's ass for no reason. He probably thought it was funny. Another fight broke out in the seats in front of Sarvente, Ruv and the 7-year-old kids' row. They all overheard the argument between TFA, a Karen, and an innocent woman with a baby.

"This woman's crying baby is very annoying and a want a new seat!" She yelled

"I'm sorry we are unable to have passengers switch seats, so you're going to have to deal with this the rest of the flight," TFA says.

"No, I need her away from me NOW!" The Karen yells at TFA.

Sarv's POV:

Poor woman, I don't what it is with Karen's on planes! Gosh, what is wrong with people? Sin has really taken over. I hope something good happens. I think, whenever something good happens and it involves me something bad happens as well. I might talk to Ruv about it later. 

3rd person POV:

"Ma'am it's just a baby, you were once a crying baby on a plane too okay," TFA says.

"Well, I didn't ask to be born, this "mom" over here had a child, and she doesn't know how to control it!" the Karen says.

"Well, I'm pretty sure most of us wish you weren't born, and once and if you have a child, you'll know how hard it is," TFA says.

"How hard it is!? It ain't hard!" The Karen says. "Move her or me, right NOW!" 

"Fine, so we will be upgrading your ticket to first class, is that okay?" TFA says.

"Finally! Some Justice!" The Karen gets up to get her bags.

"No no ma'am, not you, the lady you were complaining about, her ticket is getting upgraded to first class," TFA says.

The Karen sits down, and the other lady stands up. Everyone on the plane claps.

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