Part 1 ( Hunted )

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I'm laying there but not in my bed for some reason. I move my hands and find sand, bright hot sunshine and I can hear the splashing of the waves.
I sit up wondering where the hell I am, the last thing I can recall is riding Spartan off in the woods, then I put my hand to my neck as I recall being stung.
I stand and look around, looking out at the ocean it's all I can see, no islands, nothing. I look behind me and see the forest then a black back pack with something tied to it.
Heading over I can see an envelope, picking up the pack I notice it's heavy but not too heavy.
The first thing I need to do I think to myself is get in the shade then see what the envelope is about.
Finally I find a big tree trunk laying across the floor and sit myself down tearing the envelope open.
My mind was trying make sense of what I just read, was this some TV prank but then realised that it couldn't be because the letter mentioned things that only two people knew about. Me and Ahmed, the stuck up Prince who thought he could get what he wanted by force, there was no romantic bone in his whole body, well maybe a broken nose after I gave him the famous Fleming right in your face punch. I can still remember the crunch and scream as blood gushed all over his face. I smile to myself at the thought of it and glad that six people came forward as witnesses to his assault on me before I whacked him one. I mean I don't have a boyfriend or anything but that's beside the point.
Going back to the letter it says I've been nominated for their Dark Web program 'The Hunt' as pay back.
My mind immediately go's to the Film The Hunger Games. ** Shit**.
I know this is Ahmed.

Checking the Back Pack I find a lightweight jacket, knife, water bottle and some string. Then I check the letter again and look on the back,
'You have 2 days until our hunters come after you'. Looking around I know I have to find a hideout, thankfully Grampa taught me to hunt and helping horses I know about plants. Am I the only one, now I'm scared stiff, how could he do this to me, he Assaulted me first then I retaliated. How many of them are there going to be.
As I'm walking around I hear running water and head towards the sound and can't believe my luck , it's a natural spring. I quickly fill up my bottle and drink it all then fill it up again and stick it in the bag. As I'm about to get up I notice something on the tree so walk away from it then come up behind it.
It's a wildlife Trail Camera, obviously so they can let people watch what's going on. Then a thought occurred to me, no Cameras, no audience and no way to see where I am..
Suddenly two arms grab me, one around my waist the other across my my mouth , then they say Shhhhhh.
Out of nowhere I see four people that look like hunters walk past along the tree line and I recognise one of them immediately.
It's one of Ahmed's men, so is another by the look of their outfits, but I don't recognise him from the Villa. The other two are dressed the same but in green camouflage.
When the've disappeared I'm released and I swivel round taking three steps back. The first thing I notice is he has no weapons, then I look at him and I'm captivated by his beautiful green eye's, dark shoulder length hair and a brilliant smile.
"I thought I was on my own but I'm glad I'm not, Hi my names Ty".
"Pleased to meet you Amy, I'm sorry if I startled you but they can't know where we are, gives em a head start".
"Oh yeh, can't have that, wouldn't be fare would it".
"Definitely not, so why is someone as pretty as , Wrong word to use sorry, I should say why is a beautiful young woman like you here, normally it's for the worst sort of people who've really pissed off some crime boss or stolen stuff".
"Well after reading the letter that was left, there's only two people who know about it , Me and my ex Boss who I worked for, he was arrogant and tried it on with me in front of everyone at the celebration party. He was very forceful so I punched him in the face, I know I broke his nose but thankfully I had a lot of witnesses. What about you".
"Let's start moving and I'll explain as we go".

As we were walking away towards the hills and I could see some mountains in the background I explained in more detail what happened.
"Well I have to say this seems harsh as he Assaulted you first, I assume the guy's in black are for you because those in green are definitely for me".
"So why are you here".
"Well I'm actually a Doctor, but 3 of my friend's are Hacker's and very clever, two of them keep quiet about what they do, there actually good guy's and work for an organisation within the government trying to find evidence on criminal Gangs. The newest member of their threesome has a loose tongue and only knew part of the plan, unfortunately he mentioned my name and they think I'm the guy whose onto them. The latest Job was to find evidence about this Hunt organisation.
It seems that the government department has lost 2 of it's team and never been found , but Ivan picked up on something about a Multi Millionaire who offers a way for rich criminals to get rid of people on this island and it's watched on the Dark Web.
Of course they have to subscribe to it and they watch the victims get hunted down".
"Hence the cameras on the tree's then".
"Yep, but only online, the hunters can't access it because it would give them an unfair advantage".

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