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The argument between you and ushijima stuck with you. You didnt even know what to say about it.

Before you and yatora got on the train you stopped by you and ushijimsd shared apartments to get some stuff such as art supplies, clothing, bathroom necessaries etc." Afyer you finished packing you and yatora went on your way.

"Thanks for letting be stay with you, yaguchi." You thanked.

"It's was no problem. Anything for a friend.# he assured you as he help you set up your futon on the ground next to his bed.

"So what are you gonna do?" He asked.

You sigh "I plan on breaking up with ushijima. It seems his volleyball career is way more important than me." You stated.

"I'll get a few other friends to help me move my things out while he's a practice. But now I'm not gonna think about it. The stress would be a little overwelming."

"Seems like it. Well you can stay as long as you need. I talked with my mom and she didn't mind." Yatora smiled.

"Thanks man." You smile as you set yourself down on the futon.

"Night, yatora!" You exclaimed

"Good night y/n."

The next morning

You were in a pair of sweatpants, a tank top, and a hoodie over it. Just in case it could cold.

You were tying your shoes at the front door waiting for yatora to come.

Finally, he came down stairs. "Took you long enough." You joked. "Oh shut up." He playfully rolled his eyes.

"Okay, got my exam ticket here, my art materials." He mumbled doing one last check of his bag.

His mom walked through the door before him and you left. "Son, your lunch box." She said handing yatora a small bento box "and here's one for your little friend as well." She said handing you a lunch.

"Oh, you didn't have too. I couldn't picked up something on the way." You explained. "It's the least I can do to help. I know your going through a lot right now." She smiled.

You could've cried, the woman was so sweet despite the fact that she barely even knew you. Taking the lunch box from her, you smile "thank you." You bow sightly.

"Remember, you can do it!" She encouraged

"All right, I hope your right." He smiled.

"Come y/n, we gotta get goin'." He told you.

"Okay." You nodded

You and yatora were on the train. From the corner you notice yatora had something on his arm.

Grabbing his arm you began to examine it. "What happened to your arm? It looks like hives." You pondered.

He took his arm away. "I'll be fine." He stated

"You sure? It was probably caused from stress." You said

"I have some hive cream for it if you need it."

"Thanks y/n." He smiled

Finally your stop came by and both of you got off.

"Let's do this." Yatora said


You and yatora were walking to the school. You could feel your heart pounding. You were looking around trying to keep your mind off.

You eyes finally landed on a fimular prep school classmate.

"Hey Takashi!" You exclaimed.

He clearly noticed you as well buy put on his hood and turned his head as through he didn't see you.

|GONE!| Ushijima x artist reader x blue periodWhere stories live. Discover now