Chapter 1

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One day I was sitting in class, that old wooden desk. Every time I moved I'd get a scratch. It always left a scar. I always would look down and see me bleeding. I'd always see the brooses to. It would hurt when I sit down. I would where jeans but it was hot out. People would go past me and give me a bad look. I want to stay at school. I would rather sit in that desk than to go home. My mom doesn't work so she would always be home. She would sit on the couch and watch tv. I would have to make a snack and cook supper. One day I even burned myself on the stove. You have to be careful around my mom. You say one thing to her that she doesn't like she comes at you like nothing that you have ever seen before. Every day I leave the dinner table crying. Everyday I would get another brooses. Everyday I would count up the brooses. Right now I'm up to 38. And next it will be 39,40,41,42,43, and so on. After dinner I said something that made her made and she came after me I had so many brooses i couldn't even count. I just stopped counting after that. I try to stay away from her but it doesn't work. I walk to school, and back. I don't have any friends. The only friend I have is my dog. I always go in my room and hide under my blanket. It has many rips in it from where my mom tried to grab me. I always turn on my music to. My favorite song is concrete angel because it reminds me of my life. Every time we get in the car to go somewhere she always rolls her window down. She always smokes. All the ashes just blow back in and they get on me. I always had to brush them off of me. When I open my mouth to get a fresh breath of air I always get ashes in my mouth. I never thought that someone's life could be this bad. I really don't know how I even got here. How I got this mom there are 1,000,000 moms out there why this one. I was crying on my floor I said god God why didn't I get a better mom. Of corse there was no answer. I got in my bed. My dog was already asleep under the sheets. My mom was in the other room watching a movie she started to yell at the tv. She said oh come on you can do better than that my stupid dumb chilled can do better than that. That just made me cry even harder. My dog woke up she started to bark my mom yelled shut up you stupid dumb dog. Well I closed my eyes and went to bed. When I woke up it shouldn't be a big surprise ate and went to school in the old wooden desk I still got cuts.they would still leave brooses. Everything kinda repeated after that I went home got beat up an I went in my room under my bed I found my only toy it was a old beat up teddy bear with a black bow with white poka dots on the bow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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