Chapter 3

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Rebecca's POV

It was now lunchtime. I was in the line, waiting to get my tray, and be served. The intoxicating aroma of the cafeteria filled my nostrils. I got my tray, and got served tuna on a bun, chicken soup, and cinnamon applesauce for dessert. I got a carton of white milk.

I sat down next to Siyha. She wolfed down her lunch, as she was hungry like a fox. I did the same as well. "Want to go on the swings for recess?" I asked.

"Sure!" said Siyha, in her heavy Indian accent. "We can try to swing high, so we can reach the sky!"

"That would be so cool!" I said, drinking my milk.

Melanie sat down at our table, with her tray of food, and just scowled at us. "I can't see why you two are always hanging out all the time."

"We're friends, that's why!" I snapped.

"You never want to hang out with me," pouted Melanie, taking a bite of her tuna sandwich.

"Well, maybe if you acted nicer, then maybe we would hang out with you," reasoned Siyha, drinking her milk.

"Nobody wants to be friends with a jerk," I said.

"I'm sorry, if I act like a jerk," said Melanie, drinking her milk. "Its just that I get picked on at home a lot by older brother. Just because I'm the youngest, he has to pick on me."

"Doesn't your parents do anything about it?" asked Siyha, dipping her tuna sandwich in her chicken soup.

"No, they don't do squat!" barked Melanie. "I always get blamed for everything! My brother is a total jerk! He even had the audacity to lock me in a closet, then do a 360, and said I locked myself in there! My family doesn't care about me! Its like they don't want me around!" A tear fell from Melanie's face.

"I'm so sorry, Melanie!" I said, sympathetically. "I honestly had no idea!"

"Me neither!" said Siyha.

"Its times like this, that I want to run away from home!" said Melanie.

"A mother and father shouldn't be treating their own daughter that way!" I said. "I think its time, that you get put up for adoption!"

"You mean, look for another family?" asked Melanie, a glimmer of hope in her voice.

"Yeah, exactly," I said, eating my soup. "You shouldn't have to go through this on a daily basis, Melanie. You deserve better than that. You should touch base with the Virginia Department Of Social Services. They can help you find a foster family, that will cater to your needs."

"I don't know the number, and I'm not allowed to use the phone yet!" giggled Melanie.

"Try asking your neighbors," I suggested. "Tell them what's been going on, and I'm sure they can help you."

"Okay!" beamed Melanie. "Thanks, Rebecca! You sure got me out of a pinch!"

"Of course, no problem!" I chuckled. "Try finishing up your lunch, before the bell rings for recess!"

Melanie smiled a toothy grin at me, and finished up her lunch. The bell rang, and we dashed out of the cafeteria, and ran towards the playground.

A/N Hey guys!! What did you think of the situation with Melanie and her family? How did it make you feel when she was telling Rebecca and Siyha about what was happening at home? Do you think the reason why Melanie acted like a total jerk towards Rebecca was because she got mistreated? And, do you think she will change her behavior? Don't be a silent reader. Please show some love and support by voting, leaving feedback, and sharing this story with others! Thanks guys! Love you all!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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