Ruin Me || Tom Riddle

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Sweet words of a venomous tongue.

They lured me in like a fly into a cobweb.

I was caught and ruined before neither of us realized so.

He chose me. I do not know why, and I wasn't one to question why. All I needed to know is that Tom Riddle chose me, and that Tom Riddle always got what he wanted.

The house of Godric Gryffindor commanded courage, chivalry, and creativity.

Fire, perseverance, and nobility was my name.

Or the facade of my name.

My sister, Hermione was perfect. She was the head of Gryffindor. Her mistakes, her flaws only added to her realism and perfection.

While I was so blatantly aware of how I lacked it. Yes, I had the nerve, the daring, the boldness of every Gryffindor. Fear wasn't a word in my vocabulary.

But morality wasn't either.

Sometimes, I yearned for an easy way out. I long for something simple, something dreadful, something wrong. But 'wrong' feels so right. And 'right' feels so wrong. Besides, who was anyone to decide right and wrong? Nothing is black and white after all. Gray is balance, gray is difference. I was gray.

Part of me never sat still at the dramatic heroism of Gryffindor. The superiority. We were favored, and we were always better. Our morals told us to never stray off the path, so no one ever did. Except me.

I found so much satisfaction in breaking the rules I've been wired to follow.

Being overlooked because Hermione drew every second of attention away from me was something I got used to, but never truly accepted. She was smart, she was beautiful. I was the lesser version. The version people would settle for when they couldn't get Hermione.

No one ever realized my veiled hunger and jealousy, I was too good at pretending. They couldn't detect the subtle hints of menace in the twitch of my smirk, the daunting promise in every sweetly wicked smile, or the honeyed lies spread smoothly across every velvety, pleasant word.

No one could.

Except Tom Riddle.

Those dark eyes entranced me since the first second.

Days and nights, those knowing eyes haunted me.

They pried the deepest secrets from the secluded corner of my mind and lingered tauntingly on my face before a devilish smirk raised the corner of his lips. I was breathless. The Slytherin Prefect was someone I stayed away from. To be fair, everyone did. Tom Riddle possessed something no one else had. A dark aura, a bewitching pull. Hermione warned me about him since the first day - seeing as he was so openly involved in dark magic.

Well, I listened to her. For five years.

The last two year, I caved.

Hogwarts is where I realized my inferiority to my twin sister.

At home, our parents never compared us. In my head, we were the same. Only upon meeting other students did I realize that Hermione was prettier, smarter, kinder, and braver than I could ever be.

Being pushed to the side was a shock at first, but I got used to my invisibility. Hermione shined, while I stayed in the shadows.

Nothing infuriated me easily, and envying my own sister seemed absurd. Though there's only so much one can take. It was alright at first, but the favoritism worsened as we matured, and part of me could no longer stand standing next to Hermione, yet never seen.

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