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Disclaimer: “Detective Conan” and all characters created by Goshi Aoyoma. All rights reserved. No profit is being collected from the fiction contained within. You can blame the rest of this on me.

Additional characters other then the normal cast all belong to me!

Rating: For massive combat violence and later on intimations of a physical relationship and intimate contact between consenting adults. HOWEVER, for this site I will be toning down those scenes. If you want to read this story with all it's full on contents you must E-mail me and I'll send you a link to the non-censored chapters. Also hinting to lesbian and gay coupling, as well as mention and attempt of rape and harsh language. If any or all of this will and/or may offend you, please read something else and then seek professional help.

Summary: Legends are born from Myths, and Myths are formed from fairytales. But the fairytales had to come from somewhere. Just because you can’t see anything, doesn’t mean it can’t be watching you.

This story will contain all the following genres: Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Humor, Hurt/Conflict, Mystery, Romance, Suspense, Supernatural, and Spiritual.

Also, lastly, there will be 23 actual chapters and a 24th chapter for the Epilogue. I will update a new chapter ever week on Monday (because I know how much people hate Mondays, and this way you’ll have something exciting to look forward too).

P.S. Just to clarify this-

This story IS Shinichi/ConanxShiho/Ai

So, if you're not a fan, don't waste my time with your trivial "Flames". Cause with all honesty, I loath Ran with a blazing passion, and there will be some Ran-Bashing in this, but I tried my utmost hardest to keep it miner... Key word here people is "TRIED" XP

Okay, you may now carry on interruption-less!



*When the Mighty fall the strong never ascend.

Only the determined and benevolent will stand to the end, but when it’s all done and the battles won, will they want to rise above all?


The roars and wails of many in sheer anguish tore throughout the heavens. Piercing the once thought never-to-change aurora spiraling clouds and causing for the first time ever, since the beginning of life upon the Prime Material Plain for the pure, majestic aura that overfilled their Plain to become thick and heavy. As if poison vapors with a musk of blood and death churned as one to form the new atmosphere.

“I can not believe he’s gone…”

“Zhen, come one. You’re normally the hardhearted one. So stop your chirping.”

“What in the Hells did you just say Jenn'la! My heart may be like ice, but I at least have a heart! I don’t see you breaking out any crystals!”

“How dare you, you low-ranked-Rusty-Pup!”

“Enough! Zhen, you will learn to control your temper and that tongue of yours! Jenn'la, you will bestow respect towards Zhen and attempt on getting that reckless behavior of yours under control! This is not how members are to interact with one another!”

“Camlib, usually I’d agree with you, but…”

“There are no room for buts Valignatir. We need to act know! Before it’s to late.”

“Camlib? What are you talking about? We just-”

“I am perfectly well aware what’s happened here Kepesk. And it seem I am also the only one to have caught his final omen.”

Finally gaining the others undivided attention, Camlib recited: “A heart of light and soul of no blood will rise above when the just must come. Then burn back Five the Sins who won. Only gates of Cobalt might, can turn forth the sun.”

“Wait, Camlib… You don’t suppose… That he meant… That we have… Down to…”

“Exactly Jenn'la. The one we must seek out dwells within the Prime Material Plain. It is our Masters dying wish that we: The Mystic Legends, find this mortal, and seize it.”

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