Accepting Fates Choice Part I

36 0 0

*** Different Location

--- Next Day

Italics Flashbacks

“Bold” Telepathic

/…/ Caller on Other End

“…” Dialogue

‘…’ Thoughts 

Chapter 3: Accepting Fates Choice Part I

*Fate is unavoidable to run from. It is a web that’s woven with the threads of Destiny. Everyone’s Fate is sealed from the moment of there birth to the time of there death. So why do so many fight against it? Can one truly have the endurance and the sheer will to cut through there own threads of Fate?


Yukiko Kudo was on a plane with her husband Yusaku Kudo, leaving America for Japan. Her watch read ten-past-three in the morning, pacific time zone.

‘It’s been three hours since Shin-chan called. I hope whatever the news is he needs to tell us isn’t as bad as he made it sound.’ 


Yukiko was in her private practice chamber, honing her skills and keeping her acting talents in shape when her concentration was interrupted by the loud ringing of the house phone.

Though instead of seeming angry or annoyed Yukiko was actually thrilled and rushed to the phone.

“Hello?” she answered kindly, knowing only one person who would call there, let alone at this time of night. 

/Hey mom, it’s Shinichi./

“Well of course it’s you Shin-chan. Not many know this number, let alone call at ten-past-twelve in the early morning.” Yukiko giggled sweetly at her son.

/Well, it’s only seven-ten in the evening here./

“Anyway, I’m assuming you’re calling to either ask your father and I for something or inform us of some resent events, right?” Yukiko stated, though still not losing her happy shine.

/Well, there’s definitely a lot to inform you both on, but only one favor to ask./

Yukiko went silent at her son’s uneasy tone.

“What is it? What’s wrong Shin-chan?”

/I wouldn’t label it as something ‘wrong’ yet, but there definitely is something going on. And I’d like you and dad to be here when you can if that’s not to much trouble./

“Of course not Shinichi. Your father and I will board a plane right away, but is there anything you might want to tell me in advance?

/Just try to be prepared for inexplicably events./

“Shinichi, what do you mean by that?” Yukiko asked her son anxiously.

/Please mother? This isn’t something to discuss over the phone. I’ll be awaiting your arrival at the Professors./

“Alright then, we’re on our way Shinichi.”

/Thanks mom. See you and dad soon./

The line went dead forcing Yukiko to hang up the phone on her end reluctantly. Once the phone was placed back in it’s hold the ex-actress turned and rushed out of her chamber towards her husbands private studies.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2013 ⏰

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