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A/N: Official Chapter 1 here right now since I've already go the Prologue and chapters 1 and 2 up on my main sites. I'll be posting Chapter 2 up right after this. I mean, might as well have this site caught up with it's new brethren.


*** Different Location

--- Next Day

Italics Flashbacks

“…” Dialogue

‘…’ Thoughts

Chapter 1: Realization

*Time moves forward, never stops.

Only when you cease fighting the current, will you ascertain the truth.


“Hey, Kudo-kun?”


“I’m nearly done.”

“Wha!? Really?” Conan gasped in astonishment nearly falling off the couch.

“In about two months the antidote will be completed.” Ai announced from her computer still typing away like a maniac typist.

“Shiho that’s great!” the shrunken detective cheered.

Ai flinched, a bit taken aback by Conan called her by her true name, though she smiled seeing him so full of glee.

However, though she smiled for his happiness, her smile was but a mask to hide the true turmoil coursing through her heart.

Oblivious to the chemists inner emotional confection, Conan continued giggling with delight as he readied to leave.

“Alright then, I’ll stop by tomorrow to see how things are coming alone. Bye Haibara!” Conan called out as he shut the front door behind him, not noticing he had but moments ago called Ai but her true first name.

Ai continued typing away at the computer not responding to the little detectives farewell. She remained silent for a few moments more until a wet drop hit the back of her hand causing her to halt all her actions.

Despite the average amount of lighting in the room, Ai’s thick bangs fully shadows her eyes. Streams of a water on either sides of her cheeks were sliding down her face until it reached the base of her chin and fell as droplets splashing more and more water upon her hands and legs.

‘Why…?’ she body trembled reluctantly. ‘Why did I have to live to only desire death even more…?’ Ai mused as she pressed her palms to her face and released her sorrow in solitude.


‘I’m going to be myself again! My real self!’ Conan continued musing with happiness. His face plainly showing his joy as he walked with his hands behind his head and a spring in this step grinning madly like the Cheshire cat.

He had gone to Professor Agasa’s house after school to check up on Ai. She had missed school for the last three days in a row and Conan had gotten worried about her. Though he‘d never admit it to her face. So right after school Conan decided to head straight to Agasa’s house to check on her. Being Friday and all he had plenty of time.

Upon his arrival he found no one in sight. Having a quick look around he located Ai down in her lab basement right outside her room. It appeared Agasa had recently left for a convention and left a note advising both Conan and Ai to be careful.

When Conan asked Ai why she wasn’t at school she had at first merely handed him a sheet of paper.


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