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chapter nine - You know what? Fuck stage fright.
pairing : Dwayne Hoover x gn!reader
word count : 1k
warnings : none
a/n : this is the last chapter oh em gee!


    "Is she going on?" Frank asked as you all rushed to the room to sit down and watch.

"Yeah, she's going on." You replied.

Sheryl opened the door for everyone and quickly sat in the spaces available.

"Pure fairytale magic!" The host called out to everyone. He had a big forehead, and he looked like he had just fake-tanned. He wore a huge grin, and to be honest, he looked like a pedophile. "Miss Charisma Whiteman!"

Everyone clapped.

"Wasn't that a stardust fantasy?" The man asked rhetorically. "Thank you for that, you have been such a patient audience."

As you sat down, you let out a noise of disgust. "He probably has a seven year old girlfriend."

Dwayne snickered as your joke, taking your hand in his and intertwining your fingers.

The woman held Olive's hand firmly waiting for the host to finish so she could go on stage.

"We have one more contestant, and then we'll be crowning our winner. Please give a warm welcome to...Miss...Olive Hoover!"

Everyone clapped at the announcement and Olive made her way on stage.

Olive stood in the sentence, and beckoned the man over. He went over and bent down to her level. "You okay?"

She motioned to the microphone, so he gave it to her.

"Um, I'd like to dedicate this to my grandpa...who showed me these moves."

"Aww," You cooed at Olive's speech.

"Aw, that is so sweet!" Everyone clapped. "Is he here? Where is your grandpa right now?"

"In the trunk of our car." She answered innocently.

"Oh." Now that was an answer you weren't expecting.

"Okay, well, take it away Olive!"

She started by turning around, then the music started playing and she started dancing.

Sheryl sat shocked when Olive started slapping her butt on beat. She then ripped her trousers off and started swinging them, luckily she had some red shorts on underneath.

You and Dwayne watched as some of the girls got up and left.

"You suck!" Somebody in the crowd shouted. You got up to walk over to the person, but Dwayne tugged on your hand and shook his head, so you sat back down.

"Those little fuckers. I will kill them." Frank whispered under his breath.

Insults were constantly being thrown at the little girl on stage, so Frank rose and started to clap to the beat.

This rose Olive's spirits, as she began walking to the front of the stage, the red tie in her mouth, she ripped her shirt open, revealing a leotard. Richard was shaking his head and mumbling no under his breath.

Richard looked around, then stood up and started clapping on the beat with Frank.

Olive threw the tie at the woman who refused to sign them up earlier. The woman got up, the two other judges watching her. Sheryl stood and began clapping too.

"What is your daughter doing?" The woman stormed over to where you and the Hoovers were stood watching.

"She's kicking ass, that's what she's doing!" Richard said as he cheered on Olive. The woman gave him a shocked look and went to the side of the stage to get the host to get her off stage.

The host basically chased her around the stage. "Your act's over honey,"

"Hey!" Richard called out, making his way to the stage. "Hey! Hey, let go of my daughter!" He stepped onto the stage, trying to get the man to leave her alone. He tried tackled the man, telling Olive to keep dancing and that he's okay.

The old hag -who was supposed to be professional- shouted to Richard telling him to get his daughter off of the stage.

So Richard acted like he was approaching olive to escort her off the stage, but he stopped behind her and slowly began to copy her moves.

Frank, from the front of the stage, decided to step on and show off some dancing too.

Dwayne jumped onto the stage next, standing there awkwardly looking at the audience, then dragging you onto it and dancing with your hands intertwined. Upon seeing Dwayne actually come out of his shell, she covered her mouth in shock and let out a chuckle.

After Sheryl decided to join you all, everyone was now on the stage, not caring if you were embarrassing yourselves.

Some people tutted and shook their heads, picking up their bags and leaving the room. That didn't bother any of you though, you were having fun.

Everyone joined hands, making a circle. Dwayne waited at the side to make his way into the center. You all circled around him as he jumped.

The music had stopped, their audience staring in astonishment. It was when the embarrassment actually began to settle in.

The DJ clapped and the rough looking man who sat next to Richard watching everything unfold, jumped up and shouted "Yeah! All right!", his hands doing the 'rock-on' sign.


You all sat in the police station, Yes, the old woman had reported you to the police.

The police man came out. "Okay, you're out-on the condition that you never enter your daughter in a beauty the state of California again. Ever."

Everyone paused in though, until Frank broke the silence looking at Olive. "I think we can live with that."


The door to the van was fixed, but Richard wanted to check if it actually worked. "All right, we're back in business. Lock and load."

Everyone picked up their bags and Richard opened the trunk. The emptiness hit like a brick, Edwin was just there, and now he wasn't.

"Olive, your grandpa would've been really proud of you." Richard said, taking everyone's bags and putting them in the trunk.

"Yeah, you were great." Sheryl said, kissing the top of Olive's head.

"You were beyond great." Frank congratulated her.

"You were incredible." Dwayne praised her, you nodding in agreement.

"Thank you." She accepted everyone's words of applause with a blush on her face and a hint of embarrassment in her voice.

Richard shut the trunk with a huff. "Lets get out of here."

You, Dwayne, Frank and Sheryl stayed behind, placing your hands on the van getting ready to push. Everyone was now in the van and Richard drove back home.

You thought about the events of the trip. Edwin had died, Dwayne was now colour blind, Olive didn't win the pageant, and the most important of all...

You had found your journey to love.

end of the story.

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