Jethro: The cliffs

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This chapter wasn't requested and was made by me so hope yall enjoy itt!💗


The wind blew heavily as raindrops slowly made their way from the clouds.

It was a cold and windy day at Bondi Beach. Hoppo being the head lifeguard was always the first to show up at Bondi, all ready in his uniform.

As he was half an hour earlier then usual, he decided he should have a walk along the shoreline of the sand, just him as it was 4:30am and the beach was empty. Well .. it was ALMOST empty.

Looking up, he gasped. Towards North Bondi's cliffs was a civilian sitting on the edge.

"Oh shit," he mumbled under his breath before running over.


I raced over to the cliffs seeing a person sit over near the edge. I didn't know what they were trying to do but I just knew I had to hurry.


Sat on the edge of the cliffs was a small boy, not as in a child but instead a trainee lifeguard.. Jethro James.

Tears streamed down Jethro's face, he couldn't help but continuingly sob as he sat on the edge of North Bondi's cliffs, hands covering his face.

The trainee lifeguard didn't know what to do in his life anymore. His parents only had just recently separated, them blaming the divorce on Jethro. His mother moved out far away from where they use to all live together as his dad kicked Jethro out.

He didn't have anywhere else to go.

He didn't even know who to talk to, even though he had just made friends recently with his co workers, he didn't want to pour stress on them as he only just joined the lifeguarding service.

It was almost like he wanted to.. go?

He looked down the cliffs, below there laid giant rocks and flowing water. He shuffled a bit further onto the edge a took a deep breath, but he freezes when he feels a hand tap onto his shoulder.

Jethro slowly turns his head around and his eyes widen.

"JETHRO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" A familiar man screams. Jethro knew exactly who it was, his boss, Hoppo.

He's mad, just jump. Was all that replayed in his head.

Hyperventilating, he pushes Hoppo away, making him trip over "JETHRO, PLEASE DON'T.." Hoppo shouted a final time but Jethro just ignored him
and jumps off into the water. Well, that's what he thought he did.

He's left hanging over the edge as multiple hands start pulling him up.

As they drag him back up, everyone commences Jethro into a hug.

"Oh my gosh, Jethro if me and Harries didn't spot you and Hoppo up here you would've been dead meat," exclaims Reidy.

"Jeff why didn't you tell us you were struggling," Harries askes.

Jethro sighs as he backs away from the hug. He wanted to say something but he just couldn't. He just cried as he relatedly shouted that he was sorry. In a tshirt and shorts, stranded on the rocks in the middle of the rain, Jethro shivered.

"It's alright Jethro. Let's just get you into the tower and get you into some warmer clothes," says Hoppo, side hugging him as they made their way into the tower.


As all 4 boys walked back into the tower, some other lifeguards had just arrived. "Woah what happened Jeff?" Maxi and Chappo ask as they rush over to him. Jethro just shrugs, still crying.

Hoppo chucks a jumper at Jethro and Jethro puts it on, patting his back.

"Just know that if you need someone to talk to, you can always talk to one of the boys."


That's the end of one short story- Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm not too proud tbh :') Requests open !

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