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Sans was walking back to his house, often getting a few glances from a monster or two, but nothing really special.

Sans when sans got to his house he opened the front door and walked inside, making sure to close the door behind him. Sans looked around the living room before narrowing his eyes at his brother, who was watching a cooking show on the TV.
Sans walked up to the couch where his brother was sitting on and decided to throw himself onto the couch, like he normally does. Catching the attention of his royal guard obsessed brother "SANS?" Papyrus asked, or better said yelled "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE SO EARLY?..." papyrus continued "AREN'T YOU USUALLY AT GRILLBY'S FOR ABOUT 3 HOURS OR MORE? DID SOMETHING HAPPEN? " Sans snorted and dismissively waved his hand in the air "nah something just confused me and no one wanted to explain it to me so I wanted to ask ya if ya could explain it to me bro"

Papyrus blinked before nodding slowly "AND WHAT IS IT BROTHER?* papyrus asked sans "well I wanted to ask what is sex" papyruses body tensed up a bit, which didn't go quite unnoticed by sans "what?" Papyrus shook his head before looking back at sans "its quite complicated,but I'll try to explain it..." papyrus whispered, which isn't something he usually does, unless the subject of the conversation is making him uncomfortable. And sans knew that "listen, bro, you don't need to tell me right now, maybe when you can?" Sans paused, trying to come up with something that might make this conversation a little more berable "hey bro?" Sans started "Yes?..." Sans winked at papyrus "Why was dumbo sad?" Papyrus titled his head a little "why?"

"Becouse he felt irreliphant!" Sans chuckled at his own pun, while papyrus stopped looking so uncomfortable and started glaring daggers at sans "SANS!"

(yeah papyrus is acting a lil bit over dramatic, and this is the end so no more chapters 😙

Oh, and if your curious, yes, papyrus did explain sex to sans in the end 😃)

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