2: The Savior

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"Thanks for saving me back there, mister. I could've sent this place to ashes if I had opened my eye!"

"Heh... would have been devastating for me too... I've been watching over this town silently for the past year. When there is a mythical involved, that's what really gets my attention. So I had to come save you."

"Thanks anyways. What happened to the creepy guy?"

"Him? I knocked him out with a rubber bullet. It's designed not to kill, but to knock out. He's currently unconscious, but he'll be out for quite a while. He should wake up in a couple hours, maybe more."

"Well i'm glad you're considerate of other's lives. I still owe you!"

"Aw you don't have to, even though you're a wishing star. It is my pleasure. We should be at my place in a couple minutes, we need to keep running."

Desire of Freedom: Jirachi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now