8: The Freedom

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Seven days had passed. And it was time for Jirachi's thousand-year slumber... or so we thought. The armored hero still had his three wishes.

"Hey, Jirachi? Before you go, I still haven't used my wishes."

"Very well. I will gladly bestow your wishes."

"Firstly, I wish for immortality, so that our friendship may last until the end of time."

A red light shined above and a red glowing orb descended.

"Secondly, I wish for you to have a normal sleep schedule. Being able to spend more time on this planet without having to spend a millennium asleep."

A blue light shined above and a blue glowing orb descended.

"And finally, this one, Something you have once asked me. I already have everything I need, so let me free you of your burden. Jirachi... I wish.. for you to be free!"

A green light shined above and a green glowing orb descended.

The three orbs went into Jirachi's chest, and shot up a beacon the same way it did when the two first met at the sanctum. The light got brighter and brighter, and then there was a huge gust.

Jirachi looked down. The line- the eye on it's stomach began fading away into golden sparkles. Then it was gone. Jirachi got her wish: to be mortal with him."

"I- thank you." Jirachi flew into the Autarch's chest, and gave him a big squeeze.

"No problem. I have everything I need in life, and you had loved me. So I freed you of the burden you had carried since time itself began and that you wanted off your back. Because I care. And now that I have freed you, we may be together. And... there is something I wanted to show you. Come into this bush."

The Autarch lifted his arms, and pushed against the back of his head. Sure enough, there was clicking and whirring, before the mask had expanded wide enough so that his true face could be revealed. Behind that mask, it was you. And your face had been brutally scarred.

"Heh... that car crash was devestating. When I escaped, my face was ruined for life. I was so ashamed that I had to wear a black ski mask, then to an ancient temple where a mysterious hooded man forged the armor that I wear now. It's the reason I have escaped several disasters alive. Yet... I cannot conceal the shame of the incident, which is why I never take it off. But we have grown so close that I trusted you to see it with your own eyes. After the incident, the only way I could do good... was by being a hero in the shadows. And it's not just my face I was trying to conceal... it was my name too. My real name... is Y/N."

"You needn't worry about the terrible scars of your past, Y/N. You have me now. True beauty comes from the heart, not the flesh. And YOU were the one who freed me. That is something I will always cherish. You may not have any real human friends anymore, but you have me. Come, let us start life anew together. Bring it in..."


You gave Jirachi an enormous squeeze.


You woke up in another dream. You were confronted by god. Arceus.

"Been a long time, buddy. I think I know why you called me here."

"Indeed. And I think you know too."

"Am I in trouble?"

"Of course not. I am here to thank you."

"For what?"

"For showing Jirachi the path it needed to become mortal. She just wouldn't believe me when I said there was a way. She's a rather stubborn child."

"Well, you can thank me later. I have plenty of adventures ahead of me and my new friend."

"Yes... Go on, Y/N. Show the world... the gift you and Jirachi have to share with it.

"Thank you."


Desire of Freedom: Jirachi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now