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                            THIRD POV
ANNA KONES'S life wasn't always like this her divorced parents fighting every day. Her mom telling her she looks sick every fucking day. Body checking herself every morning to see if she looks like she's lost weight her starving herself just to lose a pound or two.

Oh and after her best friends family went to sleep she would purge out everything she ate and oh can't forget the morning breakfast she'd purge that in the school bathroom too. she learnt that she trick by an ex bestfriend.

Her critiquing every part of her body making a list of what she wanted to get fixed once she was older

It felt like once she hit 13 she got subconscious of everything she felt like everyone stared at her looking at her like she was this ugly beast.

Every day since her birthday she made sure she looked good she made sure her clothes were clean.

The only thing she knew she was sure of was that she liked her sister's best friend Shuji. She's known Shuji since she was 5. She's always wanted to get his attention.

And yesterday she got it he comforted her like no other, not like Steve he was different he wasn't using her like Steve was maybe just maybe he didn't want her for her body.

He's different

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