Chapter 10: Saving Humanity Part 2

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KW: What do you not like?

Izuku: I thought I'd protect like America, Canada or Korea

KW: Japan attributes you the most to the end where you were born

Izuku: Right *shrugs his shoulder* It's okay I'll go because

KW nodded and slapped Izuku for the fleet that would lead him, and Cleveland greeted him

Cleveland: *waving* Captain

Izuku: Cleveland-san, are you all ready

Cleveland: Yes, Captain. We bet your signal

Izuku: Good

Cleveland: Captain, please aboard my ship

Izuku nodded and boarded the Cleveland ship and was at the front of his ship

Izuku: All fleet ahead!!

Ships take off and enter the gate and we see KW turn around

KW: Is everyone ready King George

King George: Yes, Kamondor, what will be his destination?

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King George: Yes, Kamondor, what will be his destination?

KW: World Peace Council

King George: Why Kamondor???

KW: It will be targeted because it contains VIPs

King George: I see Kamondor

KW: Let's go, but I won't leave a crazy dog alone

But a girl comes with Bakugou with a collar on his neck and pulls smoothly and she is Tallinn

But a girl comes with Bakugou with a collar on his neck and pulls smoothly and she is Tallinn

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Izuku and his brother Commander Azur LaneWhere stories live. Discover now