Chapter 22: Kouhai

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pov-narrator/bakugo prison

We see Bakugou, the arrogant boy who thinks he is superior to others, sitting on his bed, with a fire of hatred and anger burning in his heart because of KW, for not being able to enter UA

Bakugou: (gritting his teeth hard and clenching his fist) I'm going to get out of here and he'll see that damned I'm going to be the number one hero and get revenge on him and those girls and make them my game

????: Arrogance and conceit polluted your mind and heart, made you blind and do not care about others

Bakugou hasn't been tempted to attack him since he heard a voice, only to run into the bars of a prison blocking his reach, and KW stares calmly with his arms behind his back.

Bakugou: What are you aiming for by locking me in here!!, making me work like a servant!!!

KW: (approaches him) Very simple, it's the price of your actions what you did to my little brother, beating, cursing and humiliating and what you did to others (quickly snatching him grabs Bakugou's neck and lifts him) You and people like you don't deserve to call themselves heroes, the scenario that never changes across universes you bully him And hit and eventually you enter that academy that doesn't deserve to be patriotic, arguing why you have a strong querk as if nothing happened, and then you complain why there are crimes because you are the ones who make them

KW leaves him for Bakugou to fall as he grabs his neck and breathes out the strength of KW's grip

KW: Get up, a tough job ahead of you

Bakugou: What makes us do that?

Answer his question, he collared him, controlled his body, and forced him to get up

KW: Now you know (turning around) Follow me and you'll know what awaits you

Skip time-ship port

Amidst the group of ships stands KW and Bakugou

KW: You are required to brush all these ships with a toothbrush

Bakugou's jaw dropped to his shock that he had to clean these ships with a toothbrush, because KW took him to the largest port where they contain all kinds of ships from big to small.

Bakugou: How do I clean those ships with a toothbrush, they'll make me last for years!!!!

KW: Stop barking and start cleaning up with this

He hands him a brush to make Bakugou angry even more knowing what he will clean a ship with, a prison mattress

He hands him a brush to make Bakugou angry even more knowing what he will clean a ship with, a prison mattress

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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