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Murder burst into the penthouse. "Levi! We're home!" She held the door open for Grant, since his arms were loaded with shopping bags. It was 4:13 pm.

Levi walked into the suite's common area. He had finally picked the evening's look. Black leather pants and a snug, white tucked-in t-shirt. Over that, a slightly puffy red windbreaker with a Chinese-inspired print. He'd also freshly renewed his high-top fade at the corner barbershop.

Murder smiled. He looked like a million bucks, and also like he hadn't tried very hard at all, classic Levi.

Even Grant could see how well the look worked. "Looking to make sure you get kidnapped, huh?" Grant winked at him and Levi laughed. Murder walked past them to the lavatory.

"Absolutely! Bring on the fuzzy handcuffs! Did she make you go shopping?"

"No, I needed to go." He showed Levi the watch. "Apparently I can't simply 'hang that from my Wranglers' whatever that means."

Levi laughed, but upon scrutiny of the watch added, "she's right you know?"

"I'm sure she is." Grant looked at the bags, picked one, and seeing that Murder was now back out of the lavatory, he went in to shower and change, but not without stopping her for a kiss.

Murder took Levi's hand and dragged him to her closet. He watched as she looked through the clothes. "Levi. Why?"

"I don't know. I think I hoped you'd never have to find out."

She shook her head. "I'm so sorry. And worse you had to dream it all again. I've been thinking about what Colin said. Some Protectors want to be emancipated and don't think about me. I want you to think about you for a change."

"I have thought about it all a lot today. We don't even know if... this sounds cliché, but we don't even know if I'm real without you... the dream walk also very handily reminded me that I am but clay, formed by who knows what kind of person. We're not even completely sure that I'm bound to you, or that what I was told of your curse is true, either."

Murder reached up to the closet's shelf. The green flicker hit Levi's eyes.

"Wow," Levi stared at the ring. "It's beautiful... where..." he realized where very suddenly.

"The ring and the watch are Grant's family heirlooms." She looked at him with a very serious expression. "This ring feels remarkably strong. It wasn't locked away... the watch was. The watch... he opened it and it washed over the whole room. I've seen light shows, but this was different, intense."

Levi's expression diminished. "He gave you his grandmother's ring?"

"Yes, but he didn't ask for anything. He didn't propose, or put any labels on us. He was worried about asking me while you're still in such a funk, and while he's in grief over Ethel. If we elect to run, he would come with us. He thinks we should make our stand, and think I agree, but you're my partner in this sense, not Grant, not yet. You come first. The decision to stay, or go. To try and change the arrangement of our curse. We have to decide that together."

"Let's hear Colin and his support group out. You know I love you, right? You've been nothing but kind to me. Even still, I'm interested in being free from our magical bond. Maybe even being free to grow old and die. If... that's possible for a man made of clay."

Murder cried. Levi held her.

"I'm so sorry you've suffered for me," she said, through her tears, "I never wanted that. I would never..."


Levi waited on the corner in front of the Dominick hotel. He'd texted Colin asking if the meeting was something he could walk to. He offered to pick him up.

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