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Takemichi's POV

The piercing noise of people talking loudly brought me back from the dark sight.

My eyes fluttered open seeing red on my own.

It suddenly turned cold and when I had just realised what had happend.

I had fainted,in front of everybody.

I had then shaken wiping the red liquid from my eyes before seeing Draken,Mikey,Chifuyu and Baji all staring at me concerned.

It looks like I was not out for long and that was good because the others had not went in and seen if I had any injuries.

To not make them worry further I was gonna tell them I was fine before blood gushed from my mouth,most likely staining my lips crimson.I had tried to wipe it off but it kept coming down as the others looked more concerned.

I wanted to tell them I was fine but it was clear from the blood  coming from my mouth,chest and legs I was not . Sure,they could not see it,but my clothes were becoming more stained by the second.

Before I could tell them anything,those who watched me bleed till I couldn't breath started coming by me still concered.Mikey was the most and he started questioning me,well everyone started questioning me.

It was all so tiring.

I could not concentrate on what they were saying because I felt extremely lightheaded.I had not lost that much blood but enough to make me feel dizzy and the others seemed to tell.

I wanted to leave.

I knew I needed stitches if I wanted to stop the bleeding from the bandages.I was scared.

Not that I might die but that i'm being selfish and this shouldn't hurt this bad.

Once the bleeding had stopped from my mouth I could finally talk after a few coughs.

"I'm fine guys don't worry"

I said with a smile.

I could only hope they would believe the fake lie but it does not look like it.

"Like hell you are,first you pass out then you start bleeding with clear injuries.Just tell me who did this dammit."

"Mikey" had almost screamed as he grabbed my shoulder and I flinched,hard.

I didn't know why I flinched that hard,it must have been the things the other has done and it's coming back to me.I just looked down before Mikey stood up stepping away from me.

"That's it.

I'm calling the hospital to make sure you're okay"

Mikey said and no one seemed to even try to stop him.

"I'm fine Mikey stop overreacting"

I said sounding more panicked then I had planned too.

I had tried to get up and stop him from calling an ambulance but someone stopped me.

"Mikey's right partner,

you're hurt and won't even ask for help.

Just stay still until help arrives."

Chifuyu had said putting a hand on my shoulder as I started to sob quietly.

I don't know why but the tears would not stop.

It was like the time Hina confronted me about not being fine.

I just always end up in tears.

Stitches || Takemichi angstWhere stories live. Discover now