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Takemichi's POV

It's bright,way too bright.

But it was not the sunlight.

It was rather the flash of the light streets.

I thought that I was almost immune to pain but every inch of my body hurt right now.

I had been touched and hated looking so weak.

I hated the fact I could not just not remember what he did but my mind would not let me forget.

I know I passed out during it but it hurt,mentally and physically in every way possible.

It hurt,hurt enough to make me sob loudly.

Shaking,falling onto my knees.

I had not even noticed that there were still people.


He was the one I could see through the red that blocked my vision.

I wondered why he was there maybe he was leaving?

Once I wiped my eyes,I really saw what was going on.


was fighting Kiyomizu.

My hands were shaking and my heart kept punding rapidly.

I was short on breath but couldn't watch my friend get hurt like this.

Akkun was our team leader,but he was rather weak.

At that moment I tried ignoring the pain and reached for my pants which were by me and got omething from my pocket.

It was my phone.

Gotta get them outta my head im gonna wind up dead.

I was still bleeding and I shook uncontrollably but I still dialed 911.

I had then tried to say Kiyomizu's name.



Was all I could say before having coughing blood staining my lips crimson alongside the floor.

Though it was enough to catch his attention as he looked at the phone I held in my hand.

He knew if I called the police would track the location and he would probbaly go to jail.

Seeing him scared for once made me happy,he started running before my hand let go of my phone.

Akkun ran towards me with a pitied glare.

He then got his shirt and wrapped it around me before hugging me lightly.

"I know you may hate us but damn.

We did not know he would go this far all we agreed to was.

Well just to make you a bit scared not actually hurt you.

Then when he made me point a knife at you I wondered if this was still a good idea.

It was not.

After a while,I couldn't bare hearing Takuya and Yamagichi's crying and Makoto's grunts.

I was sick of seeing  you  get hurt.

So I fought him and I guess you saved me"

He almost sobbed into my arms as the other three came out.

I did not bother pushing them off out of fear because I really missed them.

Aching for them to come back.

And they finally did.

They were my friends from day 1.

Now im gonna reap what I sow.

I coughed blood and the four had just realised that I was still really hurt.

They quickly got up,some were panicking but Takuya ended up calling an ambulance.

I tried to stay awake but my eyes denied my requests and it was dark again.

I guess I need someone to breath me back to life,but I know i'll make it out alive.

I had too.

I still had a goal.

Sooner then I thought,I could hear an ambulance noise coming our direction as I still closed my eyes as they took me away.

I had woken up in a white room,this seemed all too familiar.

When I looked at the clock it was pretty early it being 6 am.

I thought maybe I could go to the meeting afterall,well maybe.

I was really sore but all my injuries were wrapped and this time there were 4 doctors all looking at me.

It kinda struck fear in me before everything came back to me about what had happened.

"You know your really strong young man.

We see that it is your second visit in the last 24 hours with serious injuries.

Please use the number given too you so you can feel a bit better.

You are strong but sometimes it's better to let people know.

You seem to have a lot of people concerned about you considering there are four people waiting for you outside when you have not contacted anyone.

Please remember to ask for help,I'll call your friends now."

The same doctor as earlier had said.

I wondered why but there were four doctors and three of them were still staring at me.

The door had opened and there layed my childhood friends.

Somehow I wished it was Hina,Chifuyu and Mikey but I could not let them know about this situation.

We all talked and I explained.

I explained everything and they were the first after Chifuyu who I had told.

I know I said I would do it alone but telling them wouldn't make a difference,right?

Well I only cold hope,I thought looking at Akkun.

Soon enough visiting hours were over and the doctors suggested I stayed and rested a bit but I decided to leave to go to the meeting.

I had to walk in crutched so I didn't fall to my knees but I hoped no one would think to much about them as I went to our spot.

I did not want to explain it to them and make them worry,especially if there are more important things right now.

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