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September 3rd 1985
Second week of senior year at
📍Hawkins high

Two minutes before the first period late bell

Joanne Henderson

Over the past week I learned that I have history with Nancy 6th period, I have 2nd period study hall with Mike and Max, and I have Robin in first period art and last period French. I'm in the same lunch as Nancy so I sit with her, one of her friends from the Hawkins School paper, and a girl named Lucy Dern—who I learned my freshman year was considered one of the popular people in Hawkins. Sometimes if Robin skips her 7th period she comes to our lunch table and puts her headphones on—but that has only happened once or twice so far. I have a good schedule and I like most of the people in my classes. Sometimes I leave my study hall to go to Dustin's, or I meet with my art table to finish our projects.

"Hey Jo how was your weekend" I hear an enthusiastic voice say, pulling me out of thought.

I look up to see it's Robin, wearing a white shirt with a vest over it. She has 6 rings on her hands and 2 of them have little crystals— and when I look closer she has black eyeliner smudged on her bottom lash line-

"Jo? Are you okay" she asked bringing me out of thought again.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I say. "Oh and my weekend was good thanks for asking" I rush out after remembering her question.

"That's cool" she says looking down at the table

"How was your weekend?" I ask looking back at her.

"It was good" she says looking up at me "I actually hung out with your brother she chuckles

"Oh great" I murmured "was Harrington there?" I wonder out loud.

"Yeah he was" she laughs to herself

"What?" I ask "what's so funny"

"It's nothing I just-I can't believe I'm talking to Joanne Henderson about hanging out with her little brother." She smiles at me

"I have no clue what that means" I say honesty, while shrugging a little.

"Your just- well you have a lot more friends than I do" she rambles "and I don't even think you knew who I was before this summer-" she continued on.

"I knew who you were" I blurt out

"Oh" she says in a puzzled tone "from where" she asks.

"Well, We have been in the same French class since freshman year Robin" I smile "same period and everything" I conclude with a smile.

"Oh yeah right" she says "yeah, I knew that" she continues "I just wasn't sure like- if you knew me" she says halting

I look at her with my mouth hung slightly open.

"Sorry I tend to speak whatever comes to mind, whenever it comes to mind" Robin says while looking down at the table.

"It's fine" I say in reassurance "you should like- totally join debate or something" I giggle.

Bad habit, Robin Buckley Where stories live. Discover now