Chapter 36

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"What have you been up to, Sawada Tsunayoshi?" Kyoya asked, a slight smile mixed with a smirk on his face.

Tsuna's expression was full of relief and happiness. "Hibari-san!"

Tomoe paced around in the room she was locked in. After Byakuran left, she was trapped in the room like a toddler being in time out. She looked out the window, seeing the guard detail outside, loaded with weapons. Glancing at the door, she could see the two shadows of the figures standing outside from underneath the door crack.

'Okay so I'm in the future. But what part? Has Kyoya arrived? Did Mukuro reveal himself? Are they training with their rings and boxes right now?' She bit her lip, rubbing her earring as she continued to pace. 'Dammit dammit dammit dammit!' Groaning, Tomoe dropped where she stood, bringing her knees to her chest as she buried her head. 'What the hell should I do...?'


The ravenhead perked up, hearing her hyper intuition. 'Box...?' Her eyes widened. 'My box weapon! My future self would for sure have one!'

Jumping to her feet, Tomoe began to search the room looking through the desk drawers and closet. 'Come on come on... where is it? If I had a box weapon, where would I put it if I knew I would switch with my past self?'

She paused, glancing at the drawer next to her bed that she hadn't looked through yet. Crouching down, she opened it, seeing nothing inside besides a key.

'Why would I leave just a key inside...? That's suspicious. There must be another reason.' Frowning, she shook the drawer, hearing something rattle which made her eyes widen. '...There's something up with this drawer.'

Grabbing the key, Tomoe held it vertically as she placed it under the open shelf and looked under, seeing another key hole. Inserting the key inside, she unlocked it and began to push upward, revealing a hidden compartment under the fake bottom.

"Huh. Who knew listening to her rant about Death Note would come in handy one day," she muttered under her breath to herself. Holding up the fake bottom with one hand, she used her other to grab the item inside which happened to be a microcassette handheld voice recorder. "Woah, haven't seen one of these in person in so long. Feels like I'm in a spy movie." She clicked the button, putting the device to her ear as she began to listen to the voice coming out.

"Hey Tomoe how have you been?" the voice said and the girl's lips twitched. "Well, probably not so well if you just been sent to the future. If you found this, I'm guessing you were looking for something else, like a certain Vongola ring or box weapon. Hate to break it to you, but you probably won't get that ring any time soon, but as for the box you'll be able to get it easily. I left it inside my personal office in the safe deposit behind the painting. Which painting? Well, you'll know right away. Anyways, I want you to remember this, sky flames can open boxes of all the attributes, but it cannot draw out all the powers of the boxes of other attributes. So, just be careful when you hold other people's boxes. No one besides our trusted elements know that your snow flames are secretly sky flames. Stay safe. Don't forget to flush this down the toilet or something, leave no evidence behind for Byakuran to find. TYL Tomoe signing out."

Hearing a click, she lowered the recorder. "Thanks for being useful, Tomoe," she mumbled and clicked a few buttons of the recorder, resetting the tape counter. Putting the object back inside the hidden compartment of the drawer, she made sure everything was back into place like it was before. "Now how the hell am I going to get to my personal office?"


Swiftly turning towards the door which unlocked, Tomoe froze when she saw Byakuran walking into the room with a giant smile on his face.

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