Heavy Morning. . .💤

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' Oh My Goooood! . . . Why does my head hurts so much?-' You thought, waking up from a deep sleep. Shockingly first of all people.

' Guess I will just take the painkillers and go to work. . . Prepare for the little trip, too.' You stood up and made your bed, ate a small breakfast, which was a croissant, a sandwich with nutella and coffee.

Checking the time on clock, seeing that it was . . . 5:47 a.m.?! For Bink's Sake!-

Whole body was screaming ' Go back and sleep, you idiot!', but there was another, smaller and silent voice calling ' Do your work. And then go rest. '

It was a Hella' difficult decision to make, because that drink didn't activate your energy yet and today, your whole attitude had no intentions in doing anything.

"A lazy morning. Great. But no.
This time I will begin working earlier, for the Trip!" Raising your arm, like when all of you said goodbye to Vivi.
She was a very honourable guest.

Even if that happened long time ago, The Princess didn't stop calling, chatting or sending messages.

"A very loyal, friendly and with motherly instinct woman, indeed." You silently said to yourself, not to wake up anybody. Their grunts, because of headache in the morning, was the last thing you wanted to hear.

Making your way towards the door of little HQ above the stables, somebody made a big yawn and walked into the kitchen, seeing you.

It was Sabo, who woke up early. A blonde, messy bed styled hair stood on his head. He looked hilarious.

"Morning Sabo, you look wonderful today!. . . Pfft-. . . You should look in the mirror, by the way. I'm heading to stables, if anybody have some business with me. . . Just tell them to drop in." As you said, your hand pressed the handle of the exit.

Stepping outside, to the hallway, your turned right. Then went downstairs. Looking at the old photos, which decorated the walls. They all were taken from the everybody's first day here.

There was one covered in dust, wiping it off it showed Mr. And Mrs. Captain, with a boy behind.

Between these two younger versions of your keepers, you could see a small red head standing behind his grandmother. Probably when he was like 8 years old, maybe 10.

"Hah! He looked so tiny and fragile!~ And to think of that I didn't pay attention to this picture. . ." A loud neigh, which came from the boxes underneath the floor.

Oh of course it's Carbon, who's really hungry. . . Jumping down from one step to another, you made it to the stable entrance.

Another loud noises came from behind the doors, this time hooves were hitting against the cold floor.

"Shh! Carbon! Stop being loud, patience is necessary! I don't want to hear those guys whining, because of headache. They clearly had too much alcohol yesterday . . ." You said, grabbing a bucket and shovel. Filling the item with Oat seeds and pouring some water into it.

"There you go, bug guy." Sighing, you shoved the bucket with the horse's breakfast in front of his nose. Your eyes watched as he devoured it all in a minutes, or less.

"Hungry, aren't we?" You chuckled at Carbon's gluttony, truly funny with the seeds glued on his nose. Of course, few of them got inside and the horse sneezed straight into your face.

The mighty sneeze woke up the rest of hungry animals. And you, had his food all over your skin.

"EWW. . . CARBON!--" Wiping your face into your sleeve, you could hear other horses neighing. Just like they laughed at you.

"𝙃𝙊𝙇𝘿 𝙔𝙊𝙐𝙍 𝙃𝙊𝙍𝙎𝙀𝙎!"‼️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu