chapter- One updated

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White columns stood tall, untouched with vines wrapping around them. The porch that was once supported by them no longer exists. The beautiful! A two-story home is now a distant memory of ashes. Amongst the ashes is a single brick wall standing towards the back of the house, with a white door leading straight to the backyard towards a beautiful garden and a stone walk-way trailing into the forest. It was all still intact.

A single tree stands out amongst the others, its trunk and branches partially burnt from the fire. I walk over, place my hand on the tree at the end of the path, and smile as I watch the beautiful, rare, blue roses slowly start to blossom onto the vines, bringing the tree back to life.

"Beau?" A familiar voice calls my name. turning around I notice my friend standing there looking at me with a worried look written all over her face.

"Avery, what are you doing here?" I asked startled. I knew, that we both shouldn't be here.

"I was just making sure you were okay." Avery's voice trails. "You missed class." Concern washes over her face again.

I turned away and gazed up at the tree and said, "It has been one month today, and still no sign of him. I just don't understand how one could go missing without a trace."

Avery walks over and puts her hand on my shoulder, searching for the right words to say. "Beau..." Avery spoke softly, "I don't think he's coming back. It's time to move on... Come, we should get back before we get caught."

She links her arm around my arm. The two headed up the path towards the house. Avery suddenly stops. I knew something was up! Looking up towards the path.
Standing there at the top of the hill, with a smirk across his face, we heard his voice.

"Well, well, ladies. You know you're not supposed to be here. And using magic? Tsk. Tsk." He started to walk towards us. I should have known he was always close by, watching me.

I looked over at Avery.

"Beau, I didn't know he was following me." She says.

"Grant, we don't want any trouble." Avery was good at looking sincere.
"We were just leaving."

Quickly walking past him, Avery motioned for me to follow her lead, but Grant stepped in front of me, blocking my path to Avery.

"I'll let you girls go. This time," Grant hissed. "Don't let me catch you again. Oh, Beau, I'm still waiting for that dinner." He whispered with a devilish grin.

I could tell he was trying to read me, trying to break into my mind as usual. The creep. I know! what he really wanted. I could see straight past his fake smile, blue eyes, and cocky bravado. I was one of the few girls in this town who had no interest in dating him. This only made him want me even more. He had always wanted me, ever since Dylan introduced us. Being Dylan's friend and all, you would think I would be off-limits. Grant tried so hard to read Beau's mind, as always. I could never get into his, and he could never get into mine.

"Hmm. Interesting. You can't track him anymore." He said it, almost gloating.

Avery quickly pulls me toward her. She slyly glances back to see Grant still watching her, like I was some type of prey—a piece of meat. I didn't like that at all!

"So... you can't track Dylan anymore, can you? Avery asked, already knowing the answer.

"No. It's like he just fell off the grid; he just disappeared!" Her voice is full of pain. "A few weeks ago, I could locate and feel him, and now I can't. Avery, I know it's crazy, but Dylan is out there somewhere." staring down at my fidgeting hands.

"That's so strange. You two have always had such a strong connection. I'm sure he is okay, though, if he is alive." Avery smiled warmly, trying to lighten the mood. "Try not to worry, Beau." Avery had such a comforting voice. The two continue on their walk through the forest and back into town.

The small town used to be filled with life and beauty on every corner. There was live music in the park most evenings and a colorful fireworks show on the weekends. That seemed like so long ago. Before rules and curfews, back when mere mortals weren't afraid of magical beings, Back when Weston felt like home...

Back then, it was a different world. We weren't afraid to use magic out in the open.

A young man fell from the top of a ladder, was quickly caught, and was safely brought back onto the ground unharmed. He was thankful for his life, but his father didn't see it that way. Spurring hateful words at the wizard! Instead of thanking him, The on-goers agreed with him, while others were surprised by his actions and hurtful words.

The wizard simply replied, "I can put him back onto the ladder if you like."

Shocked by the wizard's words, he helped his son off the ground and through the crowd of people.
Others chose to define our rules. The rule was simple and clear: never use magic to harm or cause harm to humans for your own personal gain.

Two wizards decided to rob a bank, killing two cops in the process. They were quickly brought to the counselor, stripped of their powers, and placed in jail.

Weston was the only town back then that was more accepting and open to magical powers. While the rest of the world wasn't so open, There was still division between the two worlds and fear among the human races. We weren't always so open to our world being revealed either, but there was always hope in my mind that we would be accepted one day.

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