Chapter-2 updated

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Beau awakes from a deep sleep. She lies there in hospital bed unaware of what happened the night before. Her brother Jordan and best friend Avery were both sitting by her bedside staring at her. Beau had survived the fire. Only few scars remained on her arm. One thing remains unhealed a broken heart.

  Beau remembered. Avery telling her Dylan didn’t make out the fire.  She didn’t want to believe it! Her heart was completely shattered. The guy she had loved is gone! The words hit her like bullets. She couldn’t remember much of that night and did everything she possible could to piece together what happened.

   No one wanted to talk about that night, it best not to speak of that night she was told, like it was some unwritten rule. Although The town is still grieving the loss of the Mayors son months later.  So, many unanswered questions lingered of that night. The truth was out there some where. 

  It became hard to move on. when every place reminds Her of him. His beautiful art work was still on display around  town for all to see. His sculptures in parks and even paintings on the walls.

   The two walked out the woods and through the park. It was perfect, beautiful, sunny day to enjoy the nice warm weather. A couple lay out across a blanket together cuddled up under a tree. The two gave a friendly wave at us as we walk pass them. We waved back and continue on.

  Even the park reminds Beau of Dylan. Avery snapped Beau back to reality. She suggested a trip to our favorite spot for coffee and cookies before heading home. She quickly agrees, to the idea. we walk down the street without heads down as we spot two guards walking pass us.

  It was sad to see every guard patrolling the street, keeping an eye out for any type of magic being used now. After mayor son had gone missing, we place on the watch list. As if we were criminals!  We were all on edge living in fear. It was a shame that life was now this way. We watch an older man being dragged away in handcuffs from his home. You never knew, who could be next! Avery and  Beau continue on walking.

  Beau’s eyes stop! at Art Gallery store window. She quickly took notice Dylan’s paintings were now missing from the display case Window. The very place he ones worked at, it was family owned. How could they?!

    There had to be mistake to why his paintings were gone. She walks inside and Avery quickly follows behind. Beau looks around for some sign of his art work. This place was another reminder of  Dylan. She thought, back to the very first time two had met.

  She could remember every detail. Right, down to what He was wearing his: blue faded jeans, with a white V neck shirt. He was hanging up one of his paintings on the wall.  Beau walked over admires a painting nearby. She had stumbled across this place after wondering around downtown all afternoon.

Dylan had lifted his shirt revealing his tan six pack abs. She couldn’t help, but to take a peek! The guy was hot! Beau stumbled back into a glass display almost knocking it over. Dylan looks back, quickly jumps off the ladder to help. She stutters over her own words trying to apologize. Beau was so embarrassed!

“ It’s okay. You didn’t break it! It’s fine. Just be a little more careful” He said as her helped set it back onto the table.

“ Thank you. Dylan “  She said check his name tag on his shirt.

 Beau looks up notice Dylan staring at her. She shyly smiled back at him unable to keep her eye contact she looks away.

“ That’s a beautiful painting, is that your work? “ She asked trying to defuse the awkward silence.

“Thank you. And yes” Dylan looks up smiles up at his work. “ It’s a painting of my mom’s beautiful garden. Is there a certain painting your looking for?”

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