chapter 5

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I had forgotten all about the black van parked outside. As they walked pass it. The mayor's guards were watch it closely. Avery stops me and points at the entrance coming down the stairs is Jackson tied up. Grant was holding his arm leading him to the van.

What's going? Why are you taking him!  I asked.

"Out the way Beau! I'll explain later " said Grant.

Avery grabs me by the arm and pull me away. The two head down the street and through the park towards the park lot. Kylie is waiting outside the apartment.

" I believe you have my notebook " she says.

I walk over to Kylie and hand her the notebook. Kylie quickly grabs it. Avery heads inside leaving kylie and I to talk.

"I know you asked Grant for help. Typically Grant so selfish! I can help you" said Kylie.

How? Can you do the time travel spell ? I asked

" I can't do time travel spell, but can help you see the past." Said Kylie.

" I'll try anything " she says

Kylie puts out her hand small glow appears. Beau looks around nervously and suggest that they go inside. Kylie rolls her eyes and follows Beau inside. Kylie holds out her hand a small glow appears. It grows into large glow.

Image appears inside the glow. Kylie is hiding behind the door. Beau is surrounded by Grant, Dustin, and Jackson.

Dylan! We are doing this to protect her! Get the globe! Shouted Grant.

Dylan is standing there in front of Beau. He pulls out globe  and walks closer to her. The room fills with bright white light. The image disappears.

What happen? Beau asked.

" That's all I can remember. I remember being carried out the fire by someone" she says.

Why would Dylan try to take my powers? Why would they do that? Beau asked.

" That's something you should ask Dustin or Grant. Well I better go! I've said too much" said Kylie.

What? Where you going? Beau shouted.

" it's almost time for curfew! Plus Grant doesn't need to know. I'm back." She walks over to the door. Before living she says " you'll be seeing me soon. I'm sure".

Beau was even more confused then many unanswered questions. Part of me was angry! Couldn't understand why Dylan would do that. Jordan walks in with dinner from the new Chinese place. Avery comes out of her room.

" I decided not to toucher you two with my cooking tonight! I didn't want a repeat of this morning " he says.

Beau decided not to tell her brother about Kylie or how she found out about Dylan trying to take her powers.

After dinner Beau headed into her room.she pulled out a town map. Decided to find Grants location. A glow appeared near by. Avery burst through the door.

What you doing? Asked Avery.

" going to talk to Grant! I want to know why Dylan try to take my powers"

"Wait Dylan tried to steal your powers? Why would he do that"

"That's why. We're going to Grant "

Beau open the window and asked are you coming with me or not?

Avery followed Beau out the window. The two walked quickly through the park and few blocks away in old rusty building.

" I've tracked Grant to this location " said Beau.

Avery looked over at her friend. Beau could see worry written across her face. There was a broken window, Beau climbed in and Avery followed her.

The room was dark. Avery grab Beau hand and says " let's use our light from our phone."

The two headed down the dark hallway. We could hear music coming down the steps. We followed it down into the basement. Avery turned off the light. They could see a small light coming at the end of all way.

Beau sees Grant and his friends hangout drinking. Dustin is also there too. She could feel angry traveling through her. Unaware of what is happening Grant is thrown against the wall.

Why did Dylan try to take my powers?! Answer me Grant! Shouted Beau.

Grants friends stand up. Dustin stands between them and shouts " Don't touch her"

Grant slowly got up and asked What? How do you know that?!

I'm the one asking questions! Where's my globe! Shouted Beau. She lifts Grant into the air.

Beau! Don't hurt him! Put him down! Shouted Avery.

" she can't hurt me she doesn't have the strength to do it" shouted Grant.

Beau we tell what you want! Put Grant down! Shouted Dustin slowly moving towards her.

Beau! Your eyes their black! Said Avery.

Beau feel her self losing strength and clasped to the floor. Dustin quickly caught Grant and slowly brought him to the ground. The two stared at eachthier as they try to catch there breaths.

Beau lifts her hand up towards Grant before she could do anything. Grant blocks it and sends her sliding on the floor towards the wall. She hits it hard and doesn't move.
You done?! We can talk okay! I'll tell what you need to know! He says.

Avery walks over to help her up. Grant leads us to empty room. Dustin follows too.

Tell me what happened! Beau said.

" yes. It's true Dylan tried to take your powers.. he thought.. i mean we thought it was for your own good." Said Grant.

why? She asked.

Grant looked over at Dustin. Dustin steps towards Beau.

" Beau your very gifted witch, stronger then you know. You have abilities that witches and wizards dream of having at your age." Said Dustin.

" Just tell me the truth. Tell me what happen?" said Beau.

Grant takes a deep breath and says" Dylan tried to do a transfer spell... something went wrong. The room begin to fill with a bright white light. Next thing I know! The place is on fired. I helped carry you out. I remember Dylan being right behind us. What happen next.. I don't remember".

" and as for you global Dylan had it. The plan was after transfer spell happen, was to erase your memory ".

" you have to understand! We were trying to protect! I know it's A lot to take in" said Dustin.

A loud noises coming from the room next door. Beau looks over at Avery. Grant tells the girls to stay here. The two head back to their friends.

Beau starts to walk towards the door. Avery follows close behind. The room is dark with one single light swing back forth lighting up the room. Grant comes flying across the room and lands on the floor. The two quickly help Grant to his feet.

  Are you okay?! asked Avery.

" I'm fine! you two need get out of here. They are after.."  Before Grant could finish speaking. A bright flash of yellow light fills the room. Beau finds herself choking , she is surrounded by cloud of dust. She can't see anything.

  Avery!!! she shouts. Someone strong grabs Beau and picks her up. She starts kicking and screaming. She now being carried out the building. she is unable to use her powers. Beau finds her hands tied as she is thrown into the van.

      Where are you taking me?! She shouts.

  " Beau! relaxing! no one is going to hurt you" said the driver.

   how do you know me?! she asked.

 " I know a lot about you! all questions will be answer soon enough! enjoy the ride"

  (Flash) just like that Beau's world became dark.

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